低龄牛娃必看的澳洲AMC 澳大利亚数学联合会(Australian Maths Trust)简称AMT,每年为澳洲选拔国际数学奥林匹克(IMO)的国家代表队。 澳洲AMC正是由AMT主办,旨在丰富各个阶段学生的数学教育,提供更前沿的数学思想、理论动态和教育资源。 作为全球历史悠久的...
澳洲AMC,即澳大利亚数学竞赛(Australian Mathematics Competition,由Australian Mathematics Trust(AMT)澳大利亚数学联合会全权主办。目前是全球最大的校际数学测评活动之一,全球共有来自32个国家的1600多万学生参与到该活动,澳洲AMC是全球基于学校举办的数学竞赛TOP1。 澳洲AMC赛事规则 比赛题型:选择题、填空题 比赛语言:中英...
A ustrAliAn M AtheMAtics c oMpetitionan activity of the australian mathematics trustTHURSDAY 31 JULY 2008INTERMEDIATE DIVISION COMPETITION PAPERINSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATIONGENERAL 1. Do not open the booklet until told to do so by your teacher. 2. NO calculators, slide rules, log tables, maths ...
The Australian Mathematics Competition is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives. Problems are designed to be engaging as well as challenging, aimin...