Sit back and enjoy the show, and a meal worthy of the silver screen, with a star-studded menu at AMC Dine-In Theatres at Disney Springs.
Choose from 2 locations: one adjacent to the Dine-In Theatres and the other located in the main theatre complex. Location Related Activities What’s Happening at Disney Springs Discover the incredible array of things to do at Disney Springs. ...
AMC Dine-in Theatres Essex Green 9 Menu All New Customer?Create account EN Fully supported English (United States) Partially supported Français (Canada) Français (France) Deutsch (Deutschland) हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia)...
AMC dine-in theater food to get upscale boostThe article reports the partnership signed by movie theater firm AMC Theatres with restaurateur Danny Meyer and his Union Square Hospitality Group as of ...
虽然目前 Dine-In 服务还没有全面铺开,虽然高档餐厅的功能还没有嵌入所有影院,但 AMC 却已经用它在菜单更新、员工培训和设施配备等方面的努力向业界证明它的决心了。据悉,在今年劳工节(9 月 4 日)到来前,AMC 要完成员工集训和厨房改造两项任务。期间,凡升级到新菜单的 400 家影院都要安装新的厨房设备,包括...
譬如 Kerasotes Theatres,2010 年它就将旗下大部分影院都卖给 AMC 了,如今在其硕果仅存的三家中,有两家都坚持围着餐饮做生意。凡来这两家观影的消费者皆可体验私密休憩室,并在其中享用鸡尾酒、韩式烧烤等高端美食。 在这些中小型竞争者的催逼下,AMC 一刻也不敢歇脚。虽然目前 Dine-In 服务还没有全面铺开,虽然...
2008年,AMC开创了“座上用餐”(Dine-In)服务,观影者抵达提供此类服务的影院后,既可亲自取餐,也可在选餐后先行入座;待需要时只要按下座位上的按钮,就可静待美食上座了;2016年,AMC迎来了新当家亚当·阿伦(Adam Aron),在他的倡导下,某些AMC电影院很快就升级了旧有的小食供应服务——除了增加华夫三明治、什锦干酪...
0 minutes — Compare public transit, taxi, biking, walking, driving, and ridesharing. Find the cheapest and quickest ways to get from AMC Dine-in Theatres Coral Ridge 10 to B Ocean Resort, Fort Lauderdale.
0 minutes — Compare public transit, taxi, biking, walking, driving, and ridesharing. Find the cheapest and quickest ways to get from AMC Dine-in Theatres Essex Green 9 to Small Editions.
Get more information for AMC DINE-IN Fullerton 20 in Fullerton, CA. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.