周日,AMC宣布与索尼影业合作,向预订或购买《蜘蛛侠:无路可退》首映日预售票的Stubs Premiere、A-List和AMC Investor Connect会员赠送多达86000个NFTs。NFTs是数字收藏品,已迅速成为硅谷兄弟和巨型品牌的痴迷,有些售价高达数百万美元。要想获得资格,你必须在11月29日开售后通过AMC网站或移动应用程序购买或预订门票...
CEO Adam Aron is happy to be king on his planet of the "Apes," but optimism and the Reddit traders can only take him so far.
The Summer Movie Express program, offers two PG-rated films for just $1 every Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 11 a.m. RELATED: $1 movies are back this summer: Here’s what you can see To learn more about AMC's $3 ticket deal or to purchase advance tickets, tap or click ...
Short selling is a process that lets traders borrow shares for a fee and then sell them for a high price, and buy them back at a lower price to return them. Reddit is trying to force the price up so that investors, and especially hedge funds, that are short selling will lose lots ...
AMC正在全力投入区块链。本月早些时候,这家连锁电影院宣布它将开始接受加密货币支付,现在它正在为新的蜘蛛侠电影发放NFT作为门票预购赠品。 周日,AMC宣布与索尼影业合作,向预订或购买《蜘蛛侠:无路可退》首映日预售票的Stubs Premiere、A-List和AMC Investor Connect会员赠送多达86000个NFTs。NFTs是数字收藏品,已迅速...
A组第一轮赛果 随后在第二轮于十二点左右开战的比赛中,PSG.LGD、GG、QE分别击败对手9Pandas、Nouns、BB,而Blled则是与EG战平。 B组第一轮赛果 在A组第二轮比赛中,Aster、SR分别击败对手XctN、iG,而Tundra、TSpirit与对手Liquid、Blacklist战平。 A组第二轮赛果 ...