Three fourths of a pitcher is filled with pineapple juice. The pitcher is emptied by pouring an equal amount of juice into each of55cups. What percent of the total capacity of the pitcher did each cup receive? (A)5(B)10(C)15(D)20(E)25(A)5(B)10(C)15(D)20(E)25 Solution Probl...
故选E。 [Q10]A school has 100 students and 5 teachers. In thefirst period, each student is taking one class, and each teacher it teachingone class. The enrollments in the classed are 50, 20, 20, 5, and 5. Lettbe the average value obtained i...
1.What is the value of 下方表达式的值是多少?(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) 4 2.What is the hundreds digit of (20! − 15!) ? (20! − 15!)的百位上的数字是多少? (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4 (E) 5 3.Ana and Bonita were born on the same date in diff...
G9-G10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Answer C E C E C D C A D C 澳AMC Intermediate G9-G10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Answer C E E B D B A B B E 澳AMC Intermediate G9-G10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Answer E D A C C 301 97 62 375 170©...
车展买实测,测速至少280Km/h,飞跃至少515米~ 风火轮测速“冰冻狂飙”▶10年 Mosler MT900S,478 775 569 或▶19年 Rimac Concept Two,170 433 799 锦标赛“树下玩具”▶18年 保时捷 911 GT2RS,648 045 226 或▶20年 日产 GT-R Nismo,645 963 300 ...
The theater chain will show the movies as part of its“Fan Fave”film screenings at 170 different locations nationwide starting this Friday. Each movie running from Jan. 31 to Feb. 27 at participating AMC Theatres will have a theme and showcase the work of ...
Once the participant has reached 170 pounds a second menu plan is prepared using the ideal weight as outlined above. No reasonable weight loss program having the objectives of lifetime changes can be effective without a reasonable increase in the physical activity level. The exercise habits 9 ar...
20.设A、M、C均为非负整数,且满足AMC=10,试问A·M·CA·MM·CC·A之最大值为。 (A) 49(B) 59(C) 69(D) 79(E) 89 21.已知鳄鱼为凶恶的动物,又某些爬虫类为凶恶的,则由以上信息,试判断下列何者正 确。 I、所有鳄鱼为爬虫类II、某些凶恶动物为爬虫类 III、某些鳄鱼不是爬虫类 ...
Problem 1 What is the value of 下列算式的值是多少 Problem 2 What is the hundreds digit of (20!−15!)的百位数字是多少?Problem 3 Ana and Bonita are born on the same date in different years,years apart.Last year Ana was times as old as Bonita.This year Ana's age is the square of...