DO-254 compliance also requires a well-documented and traceable process with rigorous testing and validation of all aspects of the hardware design. AMC 20-152A (Development Assurance for Airborne Electronic Hardware) provides guidance on airborne systems electronic hardware development and ...
_2objective provided guidance on the need to mitigate against inadvertent changes to critical platform configuration settings for ED-12C/DO-178C certification of multicore systems. AMC 20-193 does not include such guidance, stating that this objective is already provided in AMC 20-152A (Objective...
AMC 20-193没有包括这样的指导,指出该目标已经在AMC 20-152A(目标COTS-8)中提供。 模拟器的使用 - AMC 20-193在其MCP_Software_1目标中不鼓励使用模拟器。 数据耦合和控制耦合 - AMC 20-193澄清了一个组件上的任务可能在其他核心上执行,因此同一组件上的任务可能会相互干扰。
White Paper Avionics Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Technology Using Intel® Airworthiness Evidence Package (Intel®AEP) to Meet COTS Objectives of AMC/AC 20-152A The Intel® Airworthiness Evidence Package (AEP) assists in meeting the design assurance requirements of D...
Intel® Airworthiness Evidence Package (AEP) to Meet the COTS Objectives of AMC-20-152A. Download PDF About Intel uses cookies and similar tools to enable you to make use of our website, to enhance your experience and to provide our services. We also use cookies to understand how visitors...