Problem-Solving Strategies(Arthur Engel):涵盖组合、数论等核心模块的高级技巧。 50 Lectures for AMC 10/12(Yongcheng Chen):分类讲解高频考点与速解方法。 3. 专项练习与模拟题 分类习题集: AoPS Competition Prep系列:按代数、几何、数论、组合分册强化训练。 The Book of Inequalities(I. C. Bivens)...
下午:分析错题,研究官方解答中的巧妙思路(如2024年第21题的生成函数解法)。 晚上:针对薄弱题型(如几何综合题)进行专项训练(参考《AoPS Problems Solving》Book 6)。 六、成功率提升建议 目标设定: 保底目标:AMC10/12 ≥10分(晋级AIME)。 冲刺目标:AMC10 ≥12分(全球前25%),AMC12 ≥...
As luck would have it Connor decided he would sell me a T10 he had bought. So that settled it. So, I do plan to put together a 360 with the T10 and install it just so I can move it around when I want. I have a 360 flywheel I just had surfaced and I have a bell housing ...