The Island Responder is a 32-footer. It was built by Northwest Aluminum Craft Inc. in Victoria, with electronics and mechanisms for power steering done at Ladysmith Marine and the installation of the navigation system was done at Reedel Marine Services Ltd. in Parksville. “We needed this bo...
Australasian Fire and Emergency Authorities Council, Victoria, Australia Google Scholar Ågård A, Herlitz J, Castrén M, Jonsson L, Sandman L (2012) Guidance for ambulance personnel on decisions and situations related to out-of-hospital CPR. Resuscitation 83(1):27–31.
Occupational injury risk among ambulance officers and paramedics compared with other healthcare workers in Victoria, Australia: Analysis of workers’ compensation claims from 2003 to 2012. Occup. Environ. Med. 2015, 72, 489–495. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Donnelly, E.; Siebert, D....