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Subjective audiometry Audiogram(Pure Tone Testing) Procedure: The patient is played various frequencies through a headphone (air conduction) and a bone oscillator (bone conduction) placed on the mastoid bones. Various frequencies are played and the patient gives a signal (e.g., raising a finger...
Audiometric testing See also “Diagnostics for hearing loss.” IfSSNHLis suspected, refer to audiology as soon as possible (no later than2 weeks).For most other patients, arrange examination within4 weeksof symptom onset.[1] Imaging[1][3][6] ...
Diagnosis of acoustic neuroma involves audiometry that demonstrates ipsilateral sensorineural hearing loss and MRI with contrast to confirm the tumor. For patients with large tumors or significant hearing loss, the treatment of choice is surgical removal or radiation therapy. However, observation with ...
Diagnostic studies are indicated based on clinical evaluation: e.g., CT or MRI head , audiometry and ENT evaluation References:[7][63] The differential diagnoses listed here are not exhaustive. Register or log in , in order to read the full article. ...
Diagnosis: toneaudiometry Herpes zoster,herpes zoster oticus, andherpes zoster ophthalmicuspresent with identical rashes. Registerorlog in, in order to read the full article. Diagnosis Clinical presentationis usually sufficient for a diagnosis.[10][14] ...
You are not aware of the meanings of medical terms (e.g., audiometry) and ask for clarification if the examinee uses them. Use the checklists below for history, physical examination, and communication and interpersonal skills. Challenge: Pretend to have trouble understanding the examinee unless ...
Audiometric testing See also “Diagnostics for hearing loss.” IfSSNHLis suspected, refer to audiology as soon as possible (no later than2 weeks).For most other patients, arrange examination within4 weeksof symptom onset.[1] Imaging[1][3][6] ...