I am amazed with AMBOSS and will continue to use it as my primary resource for STEP 1. I absolutely adore the questions. I find them to be quite tough, but that is what we need. It helps to drive home and solidify the important concepts and how to differentiate the diagnosis. ...
AMBOSS-Präsenz: https://www.instagram.com/amboss_med_de/ 2.3. Linkedin Anbieter: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, 2, Dublin, Irland (für Nutzer in der EU,EWR oder Schweiz) bzw. LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 (für Nutzer außerhalb der EU, EWR...
Ambosstoys is passionate about classic vehicles and shares this passion through the design of its ride-on toys. The philosophy is simple: the design of classic vehicles is reproduced in metal through finest craftsmanship. The result is a timeless, durabl
Twitter Google Share on Facebook anvil (redirected fromAmboss) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia an·vil (ăn′vĭl) n. 1. a.A heavy block of iron or steel with a smooth, flat top on which metals are shaped by hammering. b.Something resembling an anvil, as in shape or function. ...
1.临床案例:Amboss提供了大量的真实世界的临床案例,可以帮助用户将理论知识应用到实际的临床实践中。这些案例覆盖了各种疾病和临床情况,帮助用户深入了解患者管理和诊断过程。 2.课程和学习材料:Amboss提供了多种课程和学习材料,涵盖了各个医学专业领域。这些课程和学习材料结合了文字、图像和视频,以帮助用户更好地理解和...
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词条Amboss在德语 » 英语中的译文 (跳至英语 » 德语) Am·boss<-es, -e>[ˈambɔs],Am·boßUS名词m 1. Amboss(beim Schmied): Amboss anvil 单数在互联网中有10个示例复数在互联网中有10个示例 2. Amboss解剖: Amboss anvil Amboss ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook anvil (redirected fromAmboss) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical anvil 1.a heavy iron or steel block on which metals are hammered during forging 2.the fixed jaw of a measurement device against which the piece to be measured is held ...