这些图可以用MATLAB程序“fig4_2.m”再现,如第4.6节清单4.2所示。 function x = single_pulse_ambg (taup) % 定义函数single_pulse_ambg,输入参数为taup,表示脉冲宽度 colormap (gray(1)) % 设置绘图的颜色映射为灰度图,用于显示结果时的色彩渲染 eps = 0.000001; % 定义一个很小的正数,用来防止后续计算...
MATLAB函数“train_ambg.m” 函数”train_ambg.m”实现式(4.34)。如第4.6节的清单4.7所示。语法如下: train_ambg [taup, n, pri] 图4.8 (a-d)显示了该函数的典型输出,为 function x = train_ambg(taup, n, pri) % 该函数计算模糊图,参数如下: % taup: 脉冲宽度 % n: 脉冲数 % pri: 脉冲重复...
Definition of ambiguity function; Input parameters for different ambiguity plots of various signals.MozesonEliLevanonNadavIEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic SystemsE. Mozeson and N. Levanon, "MATLAB code for plotting ambiguity functions," IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. 38, no...
I have seen matlab example of ambiguity function for LFM wave,so i was wondering if we can plot Ambiguity function for frequency modulated continous wave also?? can you give me example?0 Comments Sign in to comment.Sign in to answer this question....
The main properties of the PAF are discussed. Appendix 3.1 contains a MATLAB code for generating numerical 3-D plots of the AF, of most user defined signals. 展开 关键词:radar ambiguity function periodic ambiguity function matched filter complex envelope Doppler shift autocorrelation linear〧M ...
These techniques rely on the fact that modern computers are very fast and that efficient software such as MATLAB and Mathcad is available. For the first technique we develop the ambiguity function as a sequence of range cuts. If we recall the general representation of the ambiguity function we ...
signal processors, it becomes very tedious for complex waveforms and signal processors. Because of this we investigate numerical techniques for generating the ambiguity function. These techniques rely on the fact that modern computers are very fast and that efficient software such as MATLAB is ...
ambiguity in Cross corelation in matlab using... Learn more about cross correlation, delay with cross corelation MATLAB
When I tested a moment ago on R2008b Linux-64, I got the Segmentation_Check folder as expected.
and that their underlying utility function was CRRA (with parameterr). We assumed a beta distribution (with parameters) for the stochastic component of their decisions (as described in Sect.3.3). For each subject we proceeded type-by-type, estimating using MATLAB the parameters (α,δ, rands)...