Generalized LR Parsing. Springer US, 1991. ISBN 978-1-4613-6804-5. [29] Naveneetha Vasudevan and Laurence Tratt. Detecting ambiguity in programming language grammars. In Proc. 6th Int'l Conf. on Software Language Engineering, pp. 157-176, October 2013.Naveneetha Vasudevan and Laurence Tratt....
1.Study of analysis and strategy based onambiguityof C++ language;基于C++语言中的二义性辨析及其对策探讨 2.Resolution of Ambiguity in Parsing C++;消除C++分析器分析过程中的二义性 3.The Ambiguity and its Solution in C++ Object-Oriented Programming;C++面向对象程序设计中的二义性及其解决方法探讨 英文...
In most cases, semantic and grammatical uncertainty coexist. Syntactically, the statement “We watched her duck” is likewise confusing. An idea such as “He ate the cookies on the sofa” is again semantically disjointed. Different parsings of a syntactically ambiguous sentence seldom, but occasiona...
1. Study of analysis and strategy based on ambiguity of C++ language; 基于C++语言中的二义性辨析及其对策探讨2. Resolution of Ambiguity in Parsing C++; 消除C++分析器分析过程中的二义性3. The Ambiguity and its Solution in C++ Object-Oriented Programming; C++面向对象程序设计中的二义性及其解决...
Study of analysis and strategy based on ambiguity of C++ language; 基于C++语言中的二义性辨析及其对策探讨 2. Resolution of Ambiguity in Parsing C++; 消除C++分析器分析过程中的二义性 3. The Ambiguity and its Solution in C++ Object-Oriented Programming; C++面向对象程序设计中的二义性及其解决方...
There are numerous options available to achieve various tasks in bioinformatics, but until recently, there were no tools that could systematically identify mentions of databases and tools within the literature. In this paper we explore the variability and ambiguity of database and software name mention...
S.L.: XGLR–an algorithm for ambiguity in programming languages - Begel, Graham () Citation Context ...eriment with a grammar for Java 5. 1 Introduction This work is motivated by the use of parsers generated from general contextfree grammars (CFGs). General parsing algorithms such as GLR...
All known parsing techniques used in compilers of programming languages work only, or work more efficiently, when unambiguous CF-grammars are concerned. The execution meaning of a program is defined inductively from its instructions and statements, and formally, it can be characterized by a set of...