AMBIENT WEATHER气象站WS-5000产品介绍 Ambient Weather WS-5000 超声波智能气象站是一款家用和轻工业气象站。 智能风速计没有会磨损的移动部件,并包括创新的超声波风速计,它对风速和风向的变化更敏感,并且比传统风杯设计的传输速度更快。 The Ambient Weather WS-5000 Ultrasonic Smart Weather Station is a sophisti...
Ambient Weather WS-5000 超声波智能气象站是一款家用和轻工业气象站。 智能风速计没有会磨损的移动部件,并包括创新的超声波风速计,它对风速和风向的变化更敏感,并且比传统风杯设计的传输速度更快。 The Ambient Weather WS-5000 Ultrasonic Smart Weather Station is a sophisticated home and light industrial weath...
AMBIENT WEATHER WS-5000 AMBIENT WEATHER WEATHER STATION NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY 爱泽工业成立于2010年,定位于向制造工业提供高端制造技术和设备。代理经营世界优质的电气自动化、机械与传动、流体控制、仪器仪表、工具等产品。作为电气,液压以及气动解决方案的合作伙伴,我们利用我们的全球协作团队,为客户提供...
My Ambient Weather Station (WS-5000) reports hourly rain on my physical weather station console, however there is no Hourly Rain sensor that I can find within the integration. I am trying to get up an automation based on hourly rain totals. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
Ambient Weather WS-4000 Solar Powered UltraSonic Wi-Fi Weather Station As low as ¥2,951.19 Ambient Weather WS-2902 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring ¥1,515.44 Ambient Weather WS-2000 Smart Weather Station with WiFi Remote Monitoring ¥2,392.84 Ambient Weather WS-5000 ...
AMBIENT WEATHER WS-5000 AMBIENT WEATHER weather station NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY 爱泽工业成立于2010年,定位于向制造工业提供高端制造技术和设备。代理经营世界优质的电气自动化、机械与传动、流体控制、仪器仪表、工具等产品。作为电气,液压以及气动解决方案的合作伙伴,我们利用我们的全球协作团队,为客户提供...