Comparison of temperature-mortality associations using observed weather station and reanalysis data in 52 Spanish cities. Environ Res. 2020;183:109237. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2020.109237 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 28. Zhang S, Li G, Tian L, Guo Q, Pan X. Shor...
Measurements from different cities allow a comparison and help to observe a trend in the patterns of air quality at various metropolitan locations. Factors such as long term site availability, easy access to the site during a year of conducting measurements, sufficient supply of water, electricity ...
Therefore it is possible that NL will be reduced up to 1∕N in comparison with a conventional broad filter, where N is the number of frequency codes forming the pattern. 2. It is an efficient approach to design a suitable directivity of the receiving transducer to obtain a high directivity...
Furthermore, different moving average data of PM2.5 and temperature, including 0-month (m0), 1-month (m1), and 2-month (m2), were also calculated and used for the comparison between RR estimates and actual COPD mortality data. The relationships between RR estimates using different moving ...
Purpose of Review The air quality in Taiwan is significantly impacted by ambient ozone (O3) pollution, which poses a challenge in terms of control due to the involvement of precursors and influencing factors in its photochemical process. This review investigates the measures that have been implemente...
These findings also illustrate that variability in factors that influence the fraction of ambient PM2.5 in indoor air (e.g., AER) could possibly bias health effect estimates in study designs for which a spatiotemporal comparison of exposure effects across subjects is conducted. This is a preview...
The fictive dataset comparison statistical approach, utilized to determine preference for novel above chance, is more stringent than other traditional methods that may inflate type 1 error rate [70]. Utilizing comparisons to multiple fictive datasets and determining convergence of conclusions (i.e., ...
Two types of velocities can be measured: the velocity of the envelope of the signal, called the group velocity, and the velocity of the carrier, called phase velocity (Figure 3). The comparison of a dispersive wave at different travel times shows that the envelope of the signal prop...
The simulation results were evaluated by comparison of the predication against ambient measurements from the air-quality monitoring stations (S1 to S21). The index of agreement (IOA) was used to measure the performance of the model. The IOA equation is:(5)IOA=1−∑i=1N(Pi−Oi)2∑i=1N...
Comparison of temperature-mortality associations using observed weather station and reanalysis data in 52 Spanish cities Environ Res, 183 (2020), Article 109237 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 26 KR Weinberger, KR Spangler, A Zanobetti, JD Schwartz, GA Wellenius Comparison of temper...