来源ytb STRYMON TimeLine | 10 Beautiful Ambient Sounds音乐 演奏 音乐 效果器 Ambient TimeLine STRYMON 飞行的虫子 发消息 爱音乐,弹吉他。本人只搬运,不原创,来源ytb,不定期更新,欢迎随时关注。效果器 1/18 创建者:ICECREVM STRYMON TimeLine | 10 Beautiful Ambient Sounds 7812播放 【Tubes&Tone】BOSS RE...
As many of you might have noticed, the ambient sounds are not working when you copy them from for instance mp_carentan. That's because, in the stock csv files the ambient aliases are limited to the stock MP maps only. This tutorial will show you how to add ambient sounds to your map....
PS.: I cannot make a demo video right now (still working on this mod) - Besides, I think the whole idea of "Ambience" is to keep those sounds as LOW as possible (they are not FOREGROUND sounds...they are BACKGROUND sounds mostly) - I don't know if a video would "capture" this...
Sick of hearing those wind sounds when zoomed out, or those seagulls screaming at you, but you still want to hear other ambient sounds? This mod will allow you to tune each different ambient sound type individually. After installing this mod, there will be a new category in the game settin...
Add addonReportDoom Ambient Pack v1.2 Location Addons Filename DOOMAmbience.zip Category Music Licence Proprietary Uploader TheUnbeholden Credits Hellstorm Archon, Id Software,Trent Reznor (D3 Alpha Sounds/ Quake 1 OST), The Marathon by Bungie ...
Walrus nailed it with this one - GREAT option for those getting into ambient sounds or needing a BIG reverb to pair with their daily driver. All for just over $100! 07/12/2024 Helpful Report 1 person found this helpful Purchased on Reverb Does ambient very well Thomas H. This does the...
Wet+Echo and Wet+Detune. Each has been painstakingly crafted so that, together, they cover the full range of reverb requirements. Five controls for Effect Select, Effect Level, Reverb Depth, Tone (or Echo Time) and the effect-dependent Effect Adjust make it easy to dial up sounds on the ...
Although ACSTC is not supposed to be a library of bread and butter guitar and bass sounds, there are a few fairly straightforward guitar patches. For example, Acoustics + Harmonics (Mod‑Wheel) provides a clean acoustic sound that a young William Orbit might use, after a bit more delay ...
Wet+Echo and Wet+Detune. Each has been painstakingly crafted so that, together, they cover the full range of reverb requirements. Five controls for Effect Select, Effect Level, Reverb Depth, Tone (or Echo Time) and the effect-dependent Effect Adjust make it easy to dial up sounds on the ...
This makes looping sounds unstoppable! It is speculated that the input is supposed to change the volume at which the ambient_generic plays its sound when prompted by other inputs, not play it by itself. [todo tested in ?] FadeIn <integer> (no translation ) Fades the sound up to full ...