This deal will definitely be gone in a flash. $42 $29 at Amazon 8:03 PM EDT July 17, 2024 Truff Original Black Truffle Hot Sauce Amazon It’s not too late to add some heat to your shopping cart this Prime Day. This hot sauce is infused with black truffle and chili peppers,...
That completely breaks once you start to grow like a weed, and you found product-market fit, and suddenly you’ve looked around and realize you’ve got a team of 130, 200, 500 — and, you realize that there’s all kinds of decisions and meetings happening around you. You can’t be...
A Scary, Yet Beautiful Wasp In Its Natural Habitat Maxwell did a great job capturing this Great Golden Digger Wasp feeding on some milkweed flowers. Straight Out of Hibernation Photo Credit Mark Maxwell Straight Out of Hibernation A well-rested groundhog peeps out from some brush, almost as if...
It wasn't long before the media got wind of the new website where anyone - not just teenagers and weed dealers but terrorists and black hat hackers - could buy and sell contraband detection-free. Spurred by a public outcry, the federal government launched an epic two-year manhunt for the...
but I have no idea if this is actually all the ECM stuff in Amazon or a partial list or everything with the letters ECM or Records etc... Amazon search is just like the store, search for a hard drive and you'll get 30,000 results to weed through. Qobuz has information about many...
You want to watch one of the best science-fiction series of the last decade, but you also want to watch one of the best espionage thrillers of the last decade. The solution to both isCounterpart, an appallingly underwatched series that ran on Starz for two seasons from 2017 to 2019.J....
It is important to notice that fallow period is motivated by the difficulty in managing weed and also due to a likely degradation in soil structure (Teixeira et al.2009). 12. I am not suggesting that environmental and ecological dimensions are the same. I am referring to the dimension that...
In January of 2016, Amazon announced yet another change in how they were going to pay authors with the introduction of KENPC v2.0 (Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count). This was supposed to standardize for additional spacing and text features. Some authors saw their page counts, and thus the...
So it's a fun intro that covers many angles but without much depth into any single angle. I personally liked it cause it felt like a collection of the types of things your friend's older brother would tell you about weed while you smoked your first joint in his baseme...
Our par- ticipants were Swapna Banerjee, Marilyn Booth, Amy Dooling, Janet Jakob- sen, Michael Gibbs Hill, Lila Abu-Lughod, Yukiko Hanawa, Viren Murthy, Mae Ngai, Joyce Liu, Anupama Rao, Neferti Tadiar, and Elizabeth Weed. They will each recognize their contributions to the overall shape ...