Amazon Web Services(AWS)是全球最全面、应用最广泛的云服务。数百万客户(包括增长最快速的初创企业、最大型企业和主要的政府机构)使用 AWS 来提高敏捷性、降低成本并加速创新。 最为广泛深入的云功能集 AWS 给您最大限度的选择及灵活性来满足您的特定需求,以便您为工作选择合适的工具。AWS 提供种类最广泛的计算实...
请注意:对于使用 Amazon Sidewalk 集成功能连接至 AWS IoT Core 的 Amazon Sidewalk 设备发送的消息,使用 LoRaWAN 消息收发定价等级进行计量。 Registry 每次您调用以下 API 操作之一时,需要支付 Registry 操作费用: AddThingToThingGroup AttachThingPrincipal CreateThing CreateThingGroup CreateDynamicThingGroup CreateThin...
AWS Cloud9 是一种基于云的集成式开发环境(IDE),借助它,您可以从任何计算机,只需一个浏览器即可编写、运行和调试代码。AWS Cloud9 IDE 提供动态编程语言(包括 JavaScript、Python、PHP、Ruby、Go 和 C++)所需的软件和工具。您不必再花时间安装程序或配置您的开发计算机。当您在托管的 Amazon EC2 实例上运行 AWS...
AWS GovCloud (US) Product Details. The AWS GovCloud (US) Regions are designed to address the specific regulatory needs of United States federal, state and local agencies, education institutions and the supporting ecosystem.
Arvato Systems was recognized by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its in-depth expertise to help customers successfully transition to AWS. Arvato Systems Receives AWS DevOps Competency Status The DevOps Competency Status underlines the particularly distinctive know-how of Arvato Systems in the AWS Partne...
您可以使用 Amazon Web Services(AWS)EBS(类型,gp2或gp3)提供的动态存储设备在 OpenShift Container Platform 上部署 OpenShift Data Foundation,为您提供创建内部集群资源的选项。这会导致在内部置备基础服务,这有助于为应用提供额外的存储类。 另外,可以使用 OpenS...
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 原則控制器可用來監視 AWS 帳戶是否符合清單 CIS 控制項,並將規則違規報告至「控管及風險儀表板原則」標籤。 您可以使用 AWS 原則控制器施行 AWS 原則。
The Message Bus Probe can be configured to obtain events from Amazon Web Services. The integration requires the following items to be installed on the probe's server: Curl Perl Scope-based event grouping For details see:
Ihnen werden außerdem Standardtarife für Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon CloudWatch Events und Amazon CloudWatch Metrics berechnet, wenn Sie CloudWatch für Statusmeldungen und Prüfprotokolle konfigurieren. Weitere Details finden Sie unterAmazon CloudWatch – Preise. ...
ingestion are characterized by processing data that is continuously generated (streaming) and needs to be processed within a very short time (latency) after the data is generated. Data comes from a variety of sources, from IoT devices to system telemetry, from utility services to device location...