you will learn about the different components that make up the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure and the security challenges these environments present, including high availability (HA), autoscaling, and softwaredefined networking (SDN) connectors, and how to manage traffic in the cloud with...
AWS Security, Identity, and Compliance services enable you to secure your workloads and applications in the cloud.
Cloud Audit Academy (CAA) 是 AWS 安全稽核學習路徑,專為從事稽核、風險與合規角色並參與評估雲端中受管制工作負載的人員而設計。此 CAA 課程深入探討了雲端特定的稽核考量,以及符合全球產業安全與合規架構的安全稽核之 AWS 最佳實務。 進一步了解 CAA » ...
Fortinet Security Fabric 安全架构本地集成到 AWS 中,以提供全面且完全可编程的多层安全和威胁防护功能。Fortinet Cloud Security for AWS 帮助组织在责任共担模型中建立一致的保护。 云原生保护 FortiCNP 利用其获得专利的资源风险洞察 (RRI) 技术简化云安全操作,该技术将云原生安全服务和 Fortinet 安全产品的安全警报...
Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing is the trusted cloud service provider. It has benefits like easy to use, no capacity limits, reliable and provides speed. The main aim of this paper is to understand cloud computing, it's security concerns and AWS....
步驟1:設定 Amazon Web Services 稽核在Amazon Web Services 控制台的[ 安全性]、[身分識別 & 合規性] 底下,選取 [IAM]。 選取[使用者 ],然後選取 [ 新增使用者]。 在[詳細數據] 步驟中,為 Defender for Cloud Apps 提供新的用戶名稱。 請確定您在 [ 存取類型] 下選取 [ 程序設計存取] ,然後選取 [...
AWS IoT Services alignment with US Cyber Trust Mark by Syed Rehan and Andre Sacaguti, 11/29/2024 Your telecom cloud journey on AWS: Part 2 – A technical roadmap with AWS by Amir Choudhri, Rolando Jr Hilvano and Dr. Young Jung, 11/27/2024 How national security and defence missions ...
Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)ภาพรวม Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) เป็นองค์กรไม่แสวงผลกำไรที่มีพันธกิจในการการ “ส่งเสริมการใช...
Learn how Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Intel partner together to deliver optimized cloud service offerings for enterprise, HPC, AI, and machine learning.
Learn how Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Intel partner together to deliver optimized cloud service offerings for enterprise, HPC, AI, and machine learning.