FNSKU与sku不同,它是专门用于FBA产品的编码,一个FBA产品的每个SKU都会对应一个FNSKU。FNSKU有时候会跟ASIN相同,这就意味着有多个卖家同时卖通一个ASIN产品。 3.UPC码 上传商品时,亚马逊平台大多数都要求使用特定的全球贸易项目代码,最常用的就是UPC。 UPC是主要用于加拿大和美国地区的一种统一的商品条码,通用于国际...
因为UPC在全球范围内保持对同类产品(拥有相同的制造商、颜色和大小)的相似度,所以亚马逊不能将其作为批发和零售卖家的唯一标识符。 这样,当将亚马逊FBA用于产品时,FNSKU将UPC替换为唯一标识符。 UPC标签在产品上有一个条码和对应的GTIN号码。此外,FNSKU标签还包含条码,ASIN,产品的简要说明和状态。 以上就是小编整理的...
Manufacturer Barcode是产品自带的条码,原始制造商UPC什么的,Amazon Barcode是亚马逊帮你生成的FNSKU产品标签,这个和FBA设置里的贴标服务不一样。如果选择制造商的条码,那就不需要贴FNSKU,只贴UPC或者EAN就行了,不过那就是混储服务了,也就是说亚马逊会将你的产品与其他相同的产品放一起,个人不是很推荐选择这种,万一...
产品在卖方中心缺少UPC。 Failed to preview package reason= PARENT_IAID 入库货件中包含一个矩阵父级。只能发送矩阵子级。(矩阵父SKU不是真实项目) UNKNOWN_SKU 该SKU不在您的FBA目录中。 解决方案:将产品更改为“亚马逊物流”。启动到亚马逊,等待几分钟,然后通过执行操作获取FNSKU来检索FNSKU。 ITEM_UNDER_HAZMAT...
Case packs - 装运箱商品,使用 GTIN-14 作为商品编码出售整箱商品而不是单个商品的UPC Chargeback –Describes a penalty that Amazon charges for non-compliance with standardised processes or late/inaccurate product deliveries. 亚马逊判定你不合规要执行的附加短缺费 CDS - Century Distribution Systems(CDS) -...
Is it better for my barcode to be a UPC or an FNSKU? Ultimately, the choice is yours. Amazon will recognize both, but the FNSKU is unique to Amazon. The FNSKU may be the safer (and simpler) bet, as it is easier to match your barcodes to your ASIN. Can my manufacturer do my...
Manufacturer barcodes (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN) Amazon barcodes (such as FNSKU) Brand owner barcodes (Some products may require an additionalTransparencyauthenticity code to help prevent counterfeits. Note: Avery is an Amazon-approved provider ofTransparency labels. ...
When it comes to the shipping label, sellers can use either the manufacturer barcode (UPC, EAN, or ISBN) or the Amazon barcode (FNSKU). However, if the seller wants to use the manufacturer barcode, they need to apply for a GTIN exemption. The shipping label must be scannable and printed...
ve added the product to your inventory, Amazon will generate an FNSKU for it, which you must incorporate into the product packaging or have placed on your product by Amazon (for an additional fee). The FNSKU label would replace or cover up the UPC barcode if you have one on your ...