Choice of the target chain length may often practically be constrained by relative abundance, interference on the chromatogram and consideration of sources, however we show here, that in plants themselves, all reported n-alkanoic acid and n-alkane chain lengths record the primary dDXW signal (Fig....
Potential impacts of climate change on the environmental services of humid tropical alpine regions. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 2010, 20, 19–33. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] León-Yánez, S. La Flora de los Páramos Ecuatorianos. En: La Biodiversidad de los Páramos; Serie Páramo; GTP/AbyaYala...
Universidad de la Amazonia (project implementing partner) were used for planting. The survival rate of the seedlings depended on the species chosen in the design of the silvopastoral system on each farm, but on average, this value ranged between 70 and 80%. Additionally, larger plants (height...
In the lake shores, aquatic and semi-aquatic plants such as for example several Cyperaceae species and Iso¨etes (Isoe¨taceae) are common. In the peat bogs, many cushion and rosette plants of the genera already mentioned and others are typical. Another vegetation type locally important in ...
The project areas are lands under the control of subsistence farmers, where wildlife has been long removed and replaced by domesticated animals and plants. The IUCN Red List names 297 threatened species in Uganda, many of which roamed in the general area of the TIST project and are, quite ...
Now in his sixties— though I never asked, that's what his bushy beard and unkempt silver hair 24 The Pull of Remove led me to assume—Brian had been farming for the last 20 years, growing a few hardy crops and selling cheese at the farmers' market and at the Alpine Bakery in White...