Bezos came up with the idea for an “everything store.” The store would sell nearly every type of product, all over the world. It would be an intermediary between customers and manufacturers. True to his philosophy, he almost named the “everything store’s” first, ...
在零售业,Amazon.com与沃尔玛竞争;在设备制造方面,它向苹果发起挑战;在数据服务领域,Amazon.com威胁到IBM的位置。今年,它的收入将达到750亿美元之巨,Amazon正在成为Everything Store。彭博商业周刊的Brad Stone拜访了公司创始人贝佐斯的数百位现在及以前的朋友,通过这些努力,他在《The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and...
《The Everything Store:Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon》作者:Little, Brown and Company,出版社:2013年10月,ISBN:。,oneofthemostsuccess
The Everything Bezos, The Everything Amazon 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 之前看了One Click的时候就感觉是写亚马逊很好的书了,没想到这本备受争议的The Everything Store的可读性更强,里面的素材来自于作者走访的各种相关内部人士(当然争议也来自于此),所以各种内幕,各种八卦层出不穷,看得我好几次都坐过站了....
The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon 公众号:仰聆金玉章推荐星级:☆☆☆中文版是谷歌翻译水平,建议中英对照阅读,对了解亚马逊的发展历程和贝佐斯的“杰夫主义”思想是一本不错的书。Brad Stone 是《彭博商业周刊》的资深作家,在过去的几年中,斯通曾为《商业周刊》撰写了十余篇封面报导,像...
绘本故事《一网打尽:贝佐斯与亚马逊时代 [The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon]》- 适合 绘本《一网打尽:贝佐斯与亚马逊时代 [The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon]》,中信出版集团 绘本内容
今年,它的收入将达到 750 亿美元之巨。为了撰写这本书,《商业周刊》的 Brad Stone 拜访了公司创始人贝佐斯的数百位现在及以前的朋友。通过这些努力,他终于发现了 Amazon 成为万货商店的奥秘。此文内容摘录于《The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon》,我们编译出来,供大家参考。
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Amazon has been ahead of the curve on many fronts. Smart speakers with Alexa are rapidly picking up and Fire TV is now used in more than 30 million homes. With everything happening at the company, analysts are excited about Amazon’s logistic business that is soon expected to compete direct...
A review of the book "The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon" by Brad Stone is presented. 斯通李晶,李静 - 一网打尽 : 贝佐斯与亚马逊时代 : The everything store : Jeff Bezos and the age of Amazon 被引量: 3发表: 2014年 The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age...