Amazon Connect can route UIFNs to multiple AWS Regions. For example, if a UIFN is enabled for Australia, it can be routed to your Amazon Connect instance that is located in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region. If a UIFN is enabled formorecountries, each country can be routed to your Amazo...
Number portabilitySupported RegionsPortability windowsRequired Documents Focused on: Asia Pacific (Seoul) Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia Pacific (Sydney) Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Monday-Friday 8 AM -12 PM AEST Last invoice Letter of Authorization (LOA): When you request porting services, we will ...
AWS Region Global (nearest Region) H.323 room systems Destination Ports UDP/10000:60000 64 Amazon Chime AWS Region Global US East (N. Virginia) US West (Oregon) Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia Pacific (Sydney) Asia Pacific (...
Availability No momento, o Cloud Directory oferece suporte a VPC endpoints nas seguintes regiões: • US East (Ohio) • US East (N. Virginia) • US West (Oregon) • Asia Pacific (Singapore) • Asia Pacific (Sydney) • Canada (Central) • Europe (Frankfurt) • Europe (...
Sydney, New South Wales Australia, 2000 Attn: Legal Department or (if the Elected Country is the United Arab Emirates) then to: FZ LLC Zone C – Fl 3, Floor: 03, DP Headquarters Dubai, United Arab Emirates or (if the Elected Country is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) then to...
Region availability and quotas Amazon Transcribe is supported in the following AWS Regions: Region af-south-1 (Cape Town) ap-east-1 (Hong Kong) ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo) ap-northeast-2 (Seoul) ap-south-1 (Mumbai) ap-southeast-1 (Singapore) ap-southeast-2 (Sydney) ca-central-1 (Canada,...
Amazon Consulting Services At Jajnet, we are committed to helping you maximize your success on Amazon. Our team of Amazon experts have the skills and experience to develop a tailored strategy for your Amazon business. We provide a comprehensive suite of services, including Listing Optimisation, SEO...
Expanded AWS Regions to support: US East (N. Virginia), US-West (Oregon), Africa (Capetown), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (London)....
(San Francisco), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and South America (São Paulo). For...
Real Life Hypsicratea, the bodyguard of Mithridates VI of Pontus, was very strong and skilled fighter, and according to ancient writers, masculine (her nickname was Hypsicrates, the masculine equivalent of her name). Mithridates found her to be a hot enough Amazon, as he married her, and...