I like Malcolm's Miracle Gloves money to get the Bandaids that already have ointment in them Aquaphor overnight and wear gloves over them. I like Malcom's Miracle Gloves Burts Bee's cuticle oil OR Lush's lemony flutter FIDGET TOY! I like this one https://www.amazon.com/Toms-Fidgets-...
usually longer for me. It starts out strong and occasionally it does sting the underneath of my nose a bit, but only for the first few minutes and because I have very sensitive skin. It's still not bad at all and certainly beats spraying extract from hot peppers up my nose. I'd...
☐ Insect repellent ☐ Personal first-aid kit (sea sickness medication, stomach/diarrhea medication, Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment, ibuprofen, moleskin, eye drops, etc.) ☐ Spare pair of prescription glasses and/or contacts (sand can cause problems for contact wearers) ☐ Earplugs: we w...
Very large doses can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and prostration. Dehydration and congestion occur in most internal organs. Hypertonic solutions can produce violent inflammatory reactions in the gastrointestinal tract. May irritate damaged skin; absorption can occur with effects similar to those via ingesti...