2)英国:https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality 3)法国:https://sellercentral.amazon.fr/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality 4)德国:https://sellercentral.amazon.de/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality 5)加拿大:https://sellercentral.amazon.ca/cu/contact-us/cmn/quality 三、亚马逊官方电...
However, we recommend you only use the Amazon seller central contact number option if the issue is extremely urgent. For example, you’ve been slapped with a suppressed listing that’s costing you sales or you’ve sent yourAmazon inventoryto the FBA warehouse and it’s not reflecting. Essenti...
SELLER EMAIL:注册邮箱 SELLER PHONE NUMBER:后台手机号 SELLER ADDRESS:后台公司地址 BRAND NAME(S):商标名(对应商标局官网) BRAND OWNER:商标持有人/公司名称(对应商标局官网) BRAND OWNER CONTACT: 商标持有人/法人姓名(英文) 个人持有写brand owner;公司持有写business owner 邮箱同上即可 手机号同上即可 BRAND O...
US:seller-verification-enquiry@amazon.com US中文:cn-seller-verification-enquiry@amazon.com UK:seller-verification-enquiry@amazon.co.uk UK中文:cn-seller-verification-enquiry@amazon.co.uk 9 欧洲税务问题 uk-vat-support@amazon.com merch.service05@amazon.co.uk vat-number-appeals@amazon.com 10 儿童产品...
No, there is no specific phone number that you can call to get in contact with Seller Support. You will need to go through the process of opening a support case and choosing the Phone contact method. You must enter your phone number and click “Call me now.” Within a few minutes, so...
vat-number-appeals@amazon.com 11. 儿童产品安全问题 child-safety@amazon.com 12. 沟通锁仓服务 aglc-cross-border-sales@amazon.com 13. 店铺费用索赔 美国:seller-guarantee@amazon.com 美国:payments-guarantee@amazon.com 英国: payments-guarantee@amazon.co.uk ...
Visit the Amazon Customer Service site to find answers to common problems, use online chat, or call customer service phone number at 1-888-280-4331 for support.
After some research, we found no phone number available for sellers to contact directly.The only way to contact Seller Central support is to request a callback. In this case, Amazon Seller Support will contact you directly to resolve your account issues....
This lists each order you have bought from a seller. Click on each tab to view further sub-divisions. Amazon Phone Number for Customer Service For contacting customer service in 2014, scroll to the bottom of the website page where you will find a link called “help”. Clicking this link ...
vat-number-appeals@amazon.com 儿童产品安全问题 child-safety@amazon.com 沟通锁仓服务 aglc-cross-border-sales@amazon.com 店铺费用索赔 美国:seller-guarantee@amazon.com 美国:payments-guarantee@amazon.com 英国: payments-guarantee@amazon.co.uk 德国:payments-garantie@amazon.de ...