GCID码 GCID:英文全称“Global CatalogIdentifier”,产品备案GCID码。 GCID码是Amazon内部生成的品牌标识符,当卖家店铺的品牌在Amazon 成功备案后,提供一个key_attribute,Amazon 会自动分配独一无二的Global CatalogIdentifier (全球目录编码),十六位字符,包括字母和数字。这个GCID 码将等同于每一条Listing 里面的UPC 码...
GCID:Global Catalog Identifier,亚马逊内部自动生成的品牌标识码,相当于UPC,不过UPC是要亚马逊卖家购买才有的,GCID只要亚马逊卖家品牌备案了,上传产品的时候后台自动生成。 Buy Box:黄金购物车,亚马逊82%的交易都是通过黄金购物车来完成。亚马逊根据众多因素评估卖家绩效,合格卖家的商品有资格竞争及获得黄金购物车。如果页...
7、GCID: Amazon内部生成的品牌标识符,当你品牌在Amazon成功备案后,提供一个keyattribute,Amazon会自动分配独一无二的Global CatalogIdentifier 也就是GCID,十六位字符,包括字母和数字。这个GCID码将等同于你的每一条Listing里面的UPC码,你的UPC码就可以省掉。 8、Coupon:是用以享受某种特价或优惠的“折价券” 在购...
Amazon’s choice:亚马逊推荐的标签,除了Best Seller之外,亚马逊会对一些类别的产品打上Amazon's Choice,这个黑色的标签对于转化率而言又是一大提升。 Sponsored Products:亚马逊的产品广告,是依靠关键词的竞价排名,和淘宝直通车、百度竞价等类似,设定关键词,设定价格,关键词被搜索时有机会展现产品,被点击时付费。 Best...
亚马逊上的Seller SKU (同一个UPC或EAN只能用于一个SKU)和Manufacturer Part Number:卖家在亚马逊上进行销售,为了更好地识别自己的商品,可以让Sller SKU和Manufacturer Part Number的编号保持一致。 在Product-id里输入UPC或EAN,如果已注册国外品牌并且在亚马逊上注册过则可不填,亚马逊会自动分配。在Product-id-type里...
Amazon is trying to clean up their catalog. It’s in their interest, and it’s in their customer’s interest, to maintain the integrity of their product listings. As a seller, you need to make sure your seller account is policy compliant. Weigh the expense of following the rules against...
GCID(Global Catalog Identifier)是全球目录编码,如果卖家在亚马逊平台上进行了品牌备案,亚马逊平台就会自动为卖家分配一个 GCID 码。在亚马逊平台上上传商品时,卖家必须提供UPC或EAN,但如果卖家品牌备案成功后分配了GCID 码,则无须再提供UPC 或EAN。 A+页面 ...
Phone number Watch our overview for beginners to get step-by-step instructions for creating an Amazon seller account. Create your Amazon seller account Step 3. Start selling After you create an Amazon seller account, you’ll have access to Seller Central and can configure settings for your publi...
Phone number Watchour overview for beginnersto get step-by-step instructions for creating an Amazon seller account. Create your Amazon seller account Step 3. Start selling After you create an Amazon seller account, you’ll have access toSeller Centraland can configure settings for your public sell...
If you are the only individual who is selling any unique product, then in such a case, the Global Catalog identifiers are assigned by Amazon. In case you see ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) on the products, then it implies that your brand is yet to be approved by Amazon. ...