使用文档:https://docs.e2enetworks.com/guides/s3browser_windows.html 官网:S3 Browser - Online help for Browser - Freeware client for Amazon S3. Amazon S3 bucket browser. S3 Client. 使用方法如下: 新建一个Account,每项配置如下 Account Type:S3 Compatible Storage REST Endpoint:http://s3.nie.xxx....
S3 Browseris a freeware Windows client forAmazon S3andAmazon CloudFront.Amazon S3provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web.Amazon CloudFrontis a content delivery network (CDN). It can be used to...
S3 Browseris a freeware Windows client forAmazon S3andAmazon CloudFront.Amazon S3provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web.Amazon CloudFrontis a content delivery network (CDN). It can be used to...
S3 Browseris a freeware Windows client forAmazon S3andAmazon CloudFront.Amazon S3provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web.Amazon CloudFrontis a content delivery network (CDN). It can be used to...
You can also download S3 Browser 5.8.9 - the most recent .NET 2.0 edition for outdated OSes (Windows 98/ME/2000) and S3 Browser 10.9.9 - the most recent .NET 4.0 edition for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Download Instructions Click...
使用文档:https://docs.e2enetworks.com/guides/s3browser_windows.html 官网:S3 Browser - Online help for Browser - Freeware client for Amazon S3. Amazon S3 bucket browser. S3 Client. 使用方法如下: 新建一个Account,每项配置如下 Account Type:S3 Compatible Storage ...
S3是Amazon S3的简称,s3cmd是一款命令行工具用来管理s3,同时还有一款图形化的管理工具:s3 browser。 因为绝大多数用户都是在linux下管理s3,而我们的打包机是在windows上,所以需要在windows下管理s3,本文记录一下踩坑。 S3文档 s3的官方文档:https://s3tools.org/s3cmd ...
TntDrive is a new Amazon S3 Client for Windows. With TntDrive you can easilymount Amazon S3 Bucket as a Network or Removable Drive under Windows. Unlike many other Amazon S3 Clients, TntDrive offers incredible simplicity of accessing your Amazon S3 Buckets and files. ...
AmazonS3Client是亚马逊AWS提供的用于与Amazon S3(Simple Storage Service)进行交互的Java开发工具包。它提供了一组用于管理和操作Amazon S3存储桶(Buckets)和对象(Objects)的API接口。 在使用AmazonS3Client时,"凭据"是指用于进行身份验证和授权的安全凭据,用于访问和操作Amazon S3服务。凭据通常包括访问密钥(Access Key...