例如,如果名为photos/puppy.jpg的对象存储在美国西部(俄勒冈州)区域的amzn-s3-demo-bucket存储桶中,则可使用 URLhttps://amzn-s3-demo-bucket.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/photos/puppy.jpg对该对象进行寻址。有关更多信息,请参阅访问存储桶。 对于实施,存储桶和对象是 AWS 资源,而 Amazon S3 提供 API 供...
“Amazon S3 是我们解决方案的基石,为我们提供了存储关键数据所需的耐用性和可靠性。”– GE Healthcare Digital 健康云、学习工厂和核心服务工程师 Andre Sublett 阅读GE Healthcare Digital 案例研究 工作原理 Amazon S3 将数据作为对象存储在存储桶中。对象是一个文件和描述该文件的任何元数据。存储桶是对象的容器...
“Amazon S3 是我们解决方案的基石,为我们提供了存储关键数据所需的耐用性和可靠性。”– GE Healthcare Digital 健康云、学习工厂和核心服务工程师 Andre Sublett 阅读GE Healthcare Digital 案例研究 工作原理 Amazon S3 将数据作为对象存储在存储桶中。对象是一个文件和描述该文件的任何元数据。存储桶是对象的容器...
simplifying access management for data stored in Amazon S3. S3 Object Ownership is an Amazon S3 bucket-level setting that you can use to disable or enable ACLs. By default, ACLs are disabled. With ACLs disabled, the bucket owner owns all the objects in the bucket and manages access to data...
"github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/s3" "log" "os" ) func main() { sess, _ := newSession() service := s3.New(sess) bucket := "demo-bucket" key := "demo" result, err := service.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput{ Bucket: aws.String(bucket), Key: aws.String(key), }) if err ...
Operation ID: delete-object-s3 Delete Object from S3 Bucket Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Region region True string The region of the S3 bucket. Bucket bucket True string The name of the S3 bucket. Key key True string The key of the object. Returns Get Object Operation ...
若要從 Amazon S3 複製資料,請確定您已獲授與下列 Amazon S3 物件作業的權限︰s3:GetObject和s3:GetObjectVersion。 如果您使用 Data Factory UI 進行編寫,則測試連結服務連線以及從根目錄瀏覽這類作業需要額外的s3:ListAllMyBuckets和s3:ListBucket/s3:GetBucketLocation權限。 如果您不想要授與這些權限,則可以從 ...
$docker buildx build --push -t <user>/<image>\--cache-to type=s3,region=<region>,bucket=<bucket>,name=<cache-image>[,parameters...] \--cache-from type=s3,region=<region>,bucket=<bucket>,name=<cache-image> . The following table describes the available CSV parameters that you can ...
s3.putObject(newPutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, createSampleFile()));/** Download an object - When you download an object, you get all of * the object's metadata and a stream from which to read the contents. * It's important to read the contents of the stream as quickly as ...