I believe it to be extremely disrespectful and as a Roman Catholic, disrespectful to my faith. “Hail Mary” is a prayer to the Blessed Virgin and should not be used for a laugh. Tomorrow I’ll be contacting the Prime marketing executive demanding this ad be removed. Thanks for ...
Here, the Kafkaesque vibes are still evident, but this was more like a mash-up of Samuel Beckett and the Nouveau Roman master Alain Robbe-Grillet。 Most of the time we are inside the box; inside the anonymity condition, with the narrative made up of hypothetical voices and events, where ...
The Master of Mankind tasks four primarchs with the dangerous mission of securing the worlds of the Occluda Noctis – hundreds of star systems on the far side of the Northern Major Warp Storm, whose warp-churning presence casts a shadow on the guiding light of the Astronomican and blinds ...