They said shopping is therapeutic. No seriously. Amazon is rolling off at the top with humor. Put your funny bone to the test with thesefunny Amazon shopping reviewswe put together in an earlier article. The above screenshot is taken from the reviews onHaribo Classic Sugar Free Gummy Bears....
Here are the best candles on Amazon that are affordable and have great reviews. You'll find options from luxe-scented candles to ones with cool shapes, ahead.
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18.Giant Gummy Bear Giant Gummy Bear – AmzChartGiant gummy bears belongs to GIANT GUMMY BEARS brand. It was launched on April 07, 2015, with a total of 1,633 reviews, of which 89% were positive. And its Buybox price is $25.95....
Now it'syourturn: Show us via the DropBox below the funniest Amazon review you've ever seen. If you don't have a screenshot, just tell us about the product and the comment, and we'll find it! We'll feature the best in an upcomingBuzzFeed Communitypost and/or video!