1. Amazon Reviews Dataset(亚马逊评论数据库) Amazon Review Dataset包含数百万条亚马逊客户评论(输入文本)和星级评定(输出标签),用于了解如何训练fastText用于情感分析。该数据集的大小为493MB。 相关链接:https://www.kaggle.com/bittlingmayer/amazonreviews 2. Enron Email Dataset(安然电子邮件数据集) Enron Email...
m-haghighi / Amazon-dataset Star 2 Code Issues Pull requests This project has analyzed the Amazon Review dataset to find any motivating insight concerning heterogeneous recommendations and answer the following questions: • Which users reviewed products from several domains? • What are the...
In this research paper, we develop a model based on BERT, one of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods, to predict an overall review score based on the text descriptions. The dataset applied in this research is the "Amazon Fine Food Reviews" dataset on Kaggle. Before completing the...
21 measurements working under different conditions. The measurements include features such as zone temperature, zone pressure, fan speed, fuel flow, coolant flow, and more. You can get more details about the dataset on theKaggle website....
微调任务,你只需要提交数据集即可,数据集的格式,你可参看这个文档。[dataset format](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/model-cu...) 这样就创建好 微调模型任务了,然后这个模型就是为你定制的,要是用这个 微调模型,还需要额外购买时间的,这个费用也不低,如果你的用量大,微调模型的性能是...
https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sachsene/amazons-advertisementsfromhttps://github.com/paschok/Diploma Input Data The dataset size is 252 MB and comprises of 2.7 million ad texts (each is one row in the csv) in 445 files across 40 categories like electronics, wearables, automotive, appliances...
You can get more details about the dataset on the Kaggle website. We used this data as historical data to train our model. We analyzed this data and obtained interesting insights around the deterioration of units over time, statistical...
Bedrock提供一站式的:多种开源大模型,以及配套的模型微调,dataset 预处理功能。在 Bedrock 你只需要熟悉一个模型的使用、调优、数据投喂功能,那么你就能使用其他所有同类型模型了,如果是自己调适多个模型,那么不同模型的 dataset 格式、调优参数都是巨大的时间成本。
You can get more details about the dataset on the Kaggle website. We used this data as historical data to train our model. We analyzed this data and obtained interesting insights around the deterioration of units over time, statistical...
The dataset is available fromInside Airbnband is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find the accompanying code in theGitHub repository. Prerequisites To follow along and use any ...