选择退货方式,可以选择换货或退款,退款可以退到Amazon账号的礼卡余额或原信用卡。 选择退货方式,Amazon Dropoff和UPS Store Dropoff选项无需自备打包材料,只需将退货产品带去并出示手机上的二维码,商家会免费帮忙打包。 确认无误后,点击“Confirm your return”,可以返回Orders查看return label。注意:并不是所有产品都...
1、进入Amazon的Returns Center(退换货中心),有三个主要按钮,第一个是New Return(提交新的退换货申请)、第二个是Gift Returns(礼物退换货申请)、第三个是Your Returns(管理界面,可以查看退换货进度)。点击第一个按钮,可以看到最近的订单列表,选择需要退货的项目,点击右侧的“Return an item from this order”按钮。
1、进入Amazon的Returns Center(退换货中心),有三个主要按钮,第一个是New Return(提交新的退换货申请)、第二个是Gift Returns(礼物退换货申请)、第三个是Your Returns(管理界面,可以查看退换货进度)。点击第一个按钮,可以看到最近的订单列表,选择需要退货的项目,点击右侧的“Return an item from this order”按钮。
1 Update:美国亚马逊目前更新了退货政策,此政策不但支持自营产品,只要是页面标注的“Fullfilled by Amazon”的商品(如第三方FBA商家),且页面标注了“Eligible for FREE Shipping and Free Returns”或者“Eligible for FREE Returns”均可享受免费退货。范围包含衣服、鞋子、珠宝、手表、行李箱、饰品、墨镜等等,退货...
return labels, or choose Amazon's prepaid return service and return the goods through logistics companies such as UPS and USPS. 4. Return logistics After the buyer packs the goods and affixes the return label, he can choose the nearest delivery point, such ...
Prepare the item in the original package it arrived in. You should use the return label provided in the original box. Additionally, you must decide whether you wish to arrange for a pickup or drop off of your repackaged return at a UPS site. Keep in mind that UPS pickups are cost-free...
(2)UPS Pick-up:UPS上门取件,费用$6,通过Amazon网站退换货中心提交的申请不预先收取快递费; (3)U.S. Postal Service:自行去邮局寄送,费用自理。 f、最后也是最关键的,Amazon会提供两张退货标签。小的为退货授权(return authorization),包含退货条码,需放置在退货包装内,大的为邮寄标签(mailing label),包含退货...
In summary, Amazon FBA labels are essential for sellers who want to participate in the FBA program. They ensure that Amazon can track each product through the fulfillment process and ensure that the right customer gets the right product from the right seller. Make sure to follow the label requ...
UPS Dropoff - no box or label needed。可以选择当地邻近的UPS网点,UPS工作人员会打包你的商品,并贴好退货标签。这种方式的费用是5.99美金,该费用在退货费用里扣除。(We pack and label your return. Just show the return code we give you at the UPS Store. Return shipping cost will be deducted from ...
Amazon returns can be dropped off at Kohl's, UPS or Whole Foods without boxing it up or even printing a label. But there's a darker side to the record number of returns flooding warehouses after the holidays. "From all those returns, there's now nearly 6 billion pounds of landfill was...