The emergent layer is also home to a number of animals. On this very top layer of the rainforest, it is not uncommon to find butterflies like the Blue Doctor, Brown Peacock, Blue Borpho and Tiger Swallowtail. As for birds, the Macaw, Harpy Eagle, Lovebirds and Blue Headed Parrots will...
What animals live in the Amazon rainforest understory? What is the deadliest animal in the Amazon rainforest? What animals live in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil? What animals live in the Amazon rainforest emergent layer? 1) What are two human activities that destroy the Amazon Rain...
What are some invasive species in the Amazon rainforest? What animals live in the Amazon rainforest canopy layer? What country has most of the Amazon rainforest? What is the largest animal in the world? What is the vegetation like in the Amazon rainforest?
What animals live in the Amazon rainforest emergent layer? What is the vegetation like in the Amazon rainforest? What animals live on the Amazon rainforest forest floor? What are some invasive species in the Amazon rainforest? What are some species that are endan...
What animals live in the Amazon rainforest emergent layer? What animals are only found in the Amazon rainforest? What eats kangaroos? What monkeys live in the Amazon rainforest? What is the vegetation like in the Amazon rainforest? What does a spider monkey eat in the rainforest?
What type of forest is the Amazon rainforest? What snakes live in the Amazon rainforest? What animals live in the Amazon rainforest emergent layer? What is the vegetation like in the Amazon rainforest? What types animals live in a rainforest habitat?
A.Amazon River is the world's longest river.B.Plants in the understory don't rely on insects and animals to pollinate their flowers.C.The Amazon Rainforest consists of four layers.D.The layer under the understory is the canopy. 答案 1.C. There is not enough sunlight.2.D. difficult to...
The Amazon rainforest is often referred to as the lungs of the Earth, as it acts as an enormous air machine, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing vast amounts of life-supporting oxygen. The rainforest features a unique layering system: the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory and ...
The Amazon rainforest extends throughout the northern portions of South America, and it can be divided into four separate layers. These layers include the forest floor (bottom layer), understory layer, canopy layer, and emergent layer (top layer). ...
scientists have " divided " it into four parts . You can think of it like a four-story building . The highest trees make up the top floor , or the emergent layer. The next highest trees make up the canopy layer . Below them is the understo...