TheAmazon rainforest(inPortuguese,Floresta AmazônicaorAmazônia;Spanish:Selva AmazónicaorAmazonia), also known asAmazoniaorAmazon jungle, is amoist broadleaf forestthat covers most of theAmazon BasinofSouth America. This basin encompasses seven million square kilometers (1.7 billionacres), of which...
Starting from an exploratory perspective that promoted the idea that progress would be achieved through the manipulation and cultivation of nature, in line with the thoughts idealized by Count Buffon a century earlier [170], Baron de Santa-Anna Nery portrays the Amazon rainforest as "the land of...
The diverse rainforest is a major centre of deep atmospheric convection in the global climate system, coupled with large-scale atmospheric circulations and promoted by complex biosphere–atmosphere interactions, cooling the atmosphere near the surface via evapotranspiration, generating humidity and ...
The area is characterized by tropical lowland rainforest, flat terrain with minor undulations, and high rainfall. The residents depend on subsistence and small-scale commercial agriculture, cattle ranching, timber extraction, coca leaf production, off-farm labor, and commerce. Ucayali's capital, ...
rainforest “wilderness” was actually heavily populated, and in places quite urbanized, for many centuries before recorded history of the region began. Co-author Heiko Prümers, of the German Archaeological Institute, references an old Spanish proverb asserting no one is so blind as the one...
Atmospheric aerosol particles are essential for forming clouds and precipitation, thereby influencing Earth’s energy budget, water cycle and climate on regional and global scales. However, the origin of aerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest durin
In the Amazon rainforest, biodiversity is a significant resource for traditional communities, as it can be used as a relevant source of protein and it has a promising zootherapeutic potential. Studies on knowledge and ways how local peoples use the fauna are still incipient. This paper presents...
Smoke from vegetation fires affects air quality, atmospheric cycling, and the climate in the Amazon rain forest. A major unknown has remained the quantity of long-range transported smoke from Africa in relation to local and regional fire emissions. Here we quantify the abundance, seasonality, and...
The Amazon rainforest is responsible for recycling a large portion of the world's carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen. Without it, the world's ecosystems would collapse. This makes the rapid deforestation of the Amazon a major problem.
15. Moutinho PR, Gil LHS, Cruz RB, Ribolla PEM (2011) Population dynamics, structure and behaviour of Anopheles darlingi in a rural settlement in the Amazon rainforest of Acre, Brazil. Malar J 10. 16. Barros FSM, Arruda ME, Gurgel HC, Honorio NA (2011) Spatial ...