Amazon Rainforest is located in South America.2. Th e rainforest crosses through eight South American countries.3. Th e Brazilian rainforest is th e largest tropical rainforest in th e world with th e most species.4. Amazon Rainforest is known as "th e kingdom of animals and plants ...
The Amazon(亚马逊) rainforest in South America,at seven million km2,is the largest rainforest in the world.The forest is important for people all over the world,because it produces a lot of oxygen(氧气),and also helps to cool the weather.But large areas of the rainforest are being cut ...
Magical Dust from the Dried Lake Chad Shores in Africa Sustaining the Great Amazon Rainforest of South AmericaBabagana Abubakar
The Amazon (亚马逊) rainforest is in South America.It's about half the size of China!The Amazon River runs through the rainforest.It's the world's second longest river. According to a new study,the Amazon rainforest may become grassland(草原)in a few years. The Amazon is the world's...
Amazon Rainforest: Media region, South America Share Videos Why are rainforests so important? Rainforests are where the ancestors of humans first evolved—and where our closest... Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Glimpse the Amazon Rainforest's diverse wildlife, from anacondas and sloths to...
根据第一段第一句“AmazonRainforest is located in South America, covering 5. 5million square kilometers, accounting for half of theworld's total rainforest area.."可知,亚马孙热带雨林面积550万平方千米,占据了世界雨林面积一半,那么世界雨林面积应该是1,100万平方千米,故选B。3.A细节理解题。根据第一段...
A map of the Amazon River and how it runs through the South American continent. Brazil Bolivia Colombia Ecuador French Guiana Guyana Peru Suriname Venezuela Species in the Amazon Rainforest Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher?
Amazon Rainforest亚马孙雨林Amazon Rainforest is located in South America, covering 5. 5 million squarekilometers, accounting for(占据) half of the world's total rainforest area and 20% of theworld's forest area. The rainforest crosses through eight South American countries, suchas: Brazil, Col...
根据“Amazon Rainforest The world’s largest rainforest is in South America.”可知,亚马逊雨林是世界上最大的雨林,故选A。 (2)题详解: 细节理解题。根据“the Congo rainforest, is in central Africa”可知,刚果雨林位于非洲中部,故选C。 (3)题详解: 细节理解题。根据“It gets its name from ...
MapoftheAmazonBasininSouthAmerica PeopleintheAmazonRainforest KaiapoIndiansintheBrazilianAmazon Kaiapomotherandchild,Brazil KaiapofatherwithchildintheAmazon,Brazil DeforestationintheAmazon:•Deforestation:forestedareasconversetonon-forestedareas.•ThemainsourcesofdeforestationintheAmazonarehumansettlementand...