Interesting Amazon Rainforest Facts: The Amazon rainforest is a moist, broadleaf forest. It covers most of the Amazon Basin in South America. The basin is 2.7 million square miles while the Amazon covers 2.1 million square miles of it. If the Amazon rainforest was a country, it would rank...
One of the most mesmerizing facts about the rainforest is its size. The whole rainforest, spanning nine countries, is twice the size of India. It is thought that the rainforest spans roughly 6.7 square kilometers. The Amazon is also the largest remaining tropical rainforest in the whole wor...
TenFactsabouttheAmazonRainforest MostpeopleunderstandthattheAmazonisEarth'slargestrainforest,butherearetenotherfactsyoushouldknowabouttheAmazon.Clickontheselinksifyou'dliketolearnmoreabouttheAmazonorrainforestsgenerally(including tenfactsaboutrainforests).TheAmazonistheworld'sbiggestrainforest,largerthanthenexttwolar...
Amazon Rainforest, large tropical rainforest occupying the Amazon basin in northern South America and covering an area of 2,300,000 square miles (6,000,000 square km). It is the world’s richest and most-varied biological reservoir, containing several mi
The deep, dark jungles of the Amazon Rainforest continue to inspire and fascinate human beings. It is a mysterious realm, full of strange sounds, curious creatures, towering trees and mighty rivers. Sadly, the region is under attack by the very same huma
Learn about the Amazon Rainforest and study its main characteristics. Explore the Amazon Rainforest's animals and plants and the range of these...
Rainforests play an invaluable role in sustaining life, but every year large portions of them are cut down for logging, mining, and cattle ranches.
Amazon River Facts The most important physical features of the Amazon rainforest is the Amazon River. The Amazon is the largest river system in the world. Here are three basic facts about the Amazon: The Amazon river is the world's second longest river - after the Nile. ...
However, the rainforest can also be a dangerous place. Carnivorous plants trap unwary insects, jaguars prowl through the trees, and anacondas glide through the rivers and streams. Let’s learn more about the Amazon Rainforest… Facts About The Amazon Rainforest: Introduction ...
The Amazon Rainforest is teeming with life—and helps sustain our by producing thousands of the fruits we eat and use to make other foods. It's home to a huge number of animals, plants, insects, and even indigenous groups that have yet to be introduced to the modern world. The Amazon ...