The Amazon is the world's largest rainforest. Commonly referred to as the lungs of our planet, this rainforest harbors the most diverse ecosystem in the world. Spanning across nine South American countries, the magnitude of such natural haven extends over 844 million hectares of land, of which...
From here, they travelled by boat into the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, a 2,000-square-kilometre area of wild tropical rainforest at the head of the Amazon River. They spent the next three weeks here, working alongside dedicated researchers and conservationists from the Peruvian University of...
The Amazon rainforest is an important reservoir of biodiversity, offering vast potential for the discovery of new bioactive compounds from plants. In vitro studies allow for the investigation of biological processes and interventions in a controlled manner, making them fundamental for pharmacological and...
This work is part of the results of a joint research agreement between the Amazon State University (UEA) and Rainforest Alliance Inc. The authors thank Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), through the REDD + Early Movers Program (REM) and Rainforest Alliance Inc., for...
Downstream effects of erosion from small-scale gold mining on the instream habitat and fish community of a small neotropical rainforest stream. Conserv. Biol. 2004, 18, 201–214. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Sousa, R.N.; Veiga, M.M. Using performance indicators to evaluate an environmental...
The Amazon Rainforest suffers from unsustainable exploitation and encroachment on native peoples’ territories, leading to poverty and environmental destruction. This inquiry aims to understand the impact of deforestation on the economic development of communities and peoples and the relationships between pers...