In particular, research on forest governance discusses an increasing trend towards community-based forest governance across much of the world, reflecting a wider trend of devolution of natural resource management to local and community-based level (Berkes2010; Bixler2014). Community-based governance emp...
In the Amazon rainforest, biodiversity is a significant resource for traditional communities, as it can be used as a relevant source of protein and it has a promising zootherapeutic potential. Studies on knowledge and ways how local peoples use the fauna are still incipient. This paper presents...
The study was conducted in the Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, located 26 km northwest of Manaus, Brazil (02°55′S; 59°59’W, Fig. 1). The reserve covers 10,000 ha (10 × 10 km) of terra firme tropical rain forest. The canop...
It is also evident that there is little knowledge about the economic values of the ecosystem services provided by the Amazon rainforest; for the Colombia case, this research represents the first approximation in that vein. This research shows that estimates of monetary valuation of individual ...