About This Quiz & Worksheet About This Quiz & Worksheet This quiz will ask you several questions about the animals that live in the Amazon rainforest. For example, you'll be asked about a really large rodent. Quiz & Worksheet Goals This quiz will ask you to: Know which continent the...
Take a quick interactive quiz on the concepts in Amazon Rainforest | Facts, Animals & Plants or print the worksheet to practice offline. These practice questions will help you master the material and retain the information.
Quiz Course 400views Where is the Amazon Rainforest? The Amazon Rainforest is located in South America and extends across several countries, covering 40% of the continent's land and spanning an area of 2.7 million square miles. In addition, the Amazon River runs through the Amazon Rainforest...
Amazon Rainforest, large tropical rainforest occupying the drainage basin of the Amazon River and its tributaries in northern South America and covering an area of 2,300,000 square miles (6,000,000 square km). Comprising about 40 percent of Brazil’s total area, it is bounded by the Guiana...
South America - Amazon Rainforest, Guianan Shield, Biodiversity: The most diverse community is found in the Amazonian and Guianan forests, where the abundance of water and trees makes life easy. Rivers are the realm of large numbers of invertebrates and
Branco River, river, Roraima estado (state), northern Brazil. It is formed just above Boa Vista by the junction of the Rio Uraricoera, which rises in the Serra Parima on the Venezuela border, and the Rio Takutu, which descends from the Serra Pakaraima on
Amazon River Basin Lessons Amazon River Lesson Plan Amazon Rainforest Animals: Lesson for Kids Amazon River Facts: Lesson for Kids Amazon River | Facts, Location & CharacteristicsLesson Transcript Instructors Ranaa Aboumosallam Arafat View bio David Wood View bio Learn where the Amazon River is ...
oHrtoanwceever,peopleaLrievindgeTshtirnogsyingtheareabycuttingdownmanyofthetrees.Thisiscalled“deforestation”.Manylivingthingslosetheirhomesbecauseofdeforestation.Asaresult,thenumberofkindsofanimals,birds,insectsandtreesintheworldisdecreasing.Danger WemustdoourbesttoprotecttheAmazonrainforest.Ourresponsibility ...
We all know that the Amazon rainforest is I to a lot of different kinds of animals and plants.Chico was born near the Amazon rainforest in Brazil in 1944 and got a job when he was very young. He made money by 2 a little rubber (橡胶) from the trees. The forest and its people ...
Quiz Course 37K views Causes of Deforestation in the Amazon What has been causing the massive deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, and what are the main causes of deforestation? Although there are many culprits, the most significant blame can be put on logging, farming, and illegal land...