PurchaseOrderNumberString是采购订单编号。 SellerPartyIdString是为当事方分配的标识(例如,仓库代码(warehouse)或供应商代码(vendor code))。 SellerTaxRegistrationNumberString否实体的税务登记号(例如,增值税号(VAT ID))。 SellerTaxRegistrationTypeString否实体的税务登记类型。允许的值仅为VAT(增值税)和GST.x(商品和...
About purchase order (PO) numbers You can enter PO numbers during checkout to help track and reference orders. Administrators can set PO numbers to required or optional during checkout. Depending on your carrier, the PO number may display on the shipping label or packing slip. ...
InvoiceItem/PurchaseOrderNumberString否此开票行项目的亚马逊采购订单号。 采购订单号应为八位字母数字代码。 仅当发票类型为Invoice时,此值是必填项。 InvoiceItem/HsnCodeString否HSN 税码。 HSN 号码不能包含字母字符。 InvoiceItem/InvoicedQuantityAmountString是物品的数量。 此值不应为零。
当然,如果公司实力雄厚可以选择Vendor’s Own Carrier(VOC).(目前有较多VC没有DF功能,且当前Amazon不接受开通DF的申请,尤其是PO功能被Block的账号) Purchase Order: 简称PO,货物先发往亚马逊配送中心,然后由亚马逊配送至个体买家手里。(目前世面是很多长期不用的VC账号的PO功能是被block掉的) Direct Import: 简称DI...
计算: CVR = Orders Number / Clicks 5. 营业额(Revenue): 定义: 通过销售商品所获得的总收入。 计算: 营业额 = 订单量 × 客单价 或 营业额 = 访问量 × 转化率 × 客单价 6. ACoS(Advertising Cost of Sale): 定义: 广告支出与销售额的比率。
Visit the Amazon Customer Service site to find answers to common problems, use online chat, or call customer service phone number at 1-888-280-4331 for support.
Amazon order numberAmazon Shipping (ES)Amazon Shipping (FR) Tracking Amazon Orders without Logging In Unfortunately, Amazon currently does not allow users to track their Amazon orders without logging in. If you want to continue tracking your Amazon packages, you can stay signed in on the app or...
Free shipping on millions of items. Get the best of Shopping and Entertainment with Prime. Enjoy low prices and great deals on the largest selection of everyday essentials and other products, including fashion, home, beauty, electronics, Alexa Devices, s
Free shipping on millions of items. Get the best of Shopping and Entertainment with Prime. Enjoy low prices and great deals on the largest selection of everyday essentials and other products, including fashion, home, beauty, electronics, Alexa Devices, s
VC账号的全称是Amazon Vendor Central ,是Amazon亚马逊的重量级供应商,Amazon上的所有自营商品几乎都来自于这个平台的供应商,该系统整合了EDI的功能,用户可以直接在系统里面自助配置,不过目前已经暂停接收新的供应商入驻。 二、亚马逊DF是什么? 亚马逊VC账号的DF含义是直接把货物交给消费者。简单来说,亚马逊将你的产品出...