通过亚马逊提供的Product Advertising API(也称为Amazon PA API),你可以获取商品的详细信息。这个API允许开发者查询亚马逊的商品数据,包括商品标题、价格、描述、图片链接等。在使用API时,返回的JSON或XML数据可能包含各种代码,这些代码通常用于描述状态、错误或其他信息。 以下是一个简化的例子,展示了通过Amazon PA API...
Product Advertising API(PA-API) 5.0 is a complete revamp over the currentProduct Advertising API 4.0which is easier to integrate, is lighter, slimmer and faster and offers features consistent with Amazon Retail improving overall customer experience. ...
You can migrate your PA API Access Keys from an AWS account by clicking the ‘Migrate’ option under the Product Advertising API tab within Associates Central. What are the implications of migrating PA API Access Keys into a new registration pipeline?Once you request to migrate, your AWS accoun...
$string_to_sign = "GET\n".$endpoint."\n".$uri."\n".$canonical_query_string; // Generate the signature required by the Product Advertising API $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha256", $string_to_sign, $secret_key, true)); // Generate the signed URL $request_url = 'https:...
Vacuum is a Ruby wrapper toAmazon Product Advertising API 5.0. The API provides programmatic access to query product information on the Amazon marketplaces. Cart Form functionality is not covered by this gem but is a primary focus oncarriage gem ...
使用Product Advertising API的示例虽然没有直接的amazon.item_get接口,但你可以使用Product Advertising API中的ItemLookup操作来获取商品的详细信息。这通常涉及到以下几个步骤: 注册(如添加Taobaoapi2014)成为亚马逊的开发者,并获取访问密钥(Access Key ID和Secret Access Key)。使用API文档中的指南,构建请求以查询特定...
The Amazon Product Advertising API and Amazon Marketplace Web Services API are these Amazon APIs. With Amazon API Gateway, you only pay when using your Amazon APIs. There are no minimum fees or upfront commitments. For HTTP APIs and REST APIs, you pay only for the Amazon API calls you ...
To display more detailed product information, PA-API is required. A pair of access and secret key is required to perform API requests.To get the keys,login to Amazon Associates of your locale.From the navigation menu at the top, navigate to Tools -> Product Advertising API.If you haven’...
Read updates and announcements from Amazon Accelerate, and visit ourevents pageto get information about future events and access to all of the Accelerate keynote and breakout sessions in the on-demand video library. Announcements Amazon Accelerate 2024 product launches ...
Where do I access it? Amazon DSP Amazon Ads API API specific Universal targeting: Create target:/dsp/v1/targets List targets:/dsp/v1/targets/list Delete target:/dsp/v1/targets/deleteByObject Back to updates Related content Product Amazon DSP: Advertise with a demand-side platform | Amazon ...