Amazon Studios will adapt Bethesda's post-apocalyptic role-playing video game series "Fallout" as a live action TV series with "Westworld" creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy on board to develop the concept for streaming service Amazon Prime:"...set during the 22nd and 23rd centuries, 'Fallo...
Over the past couple of years we’ve been keeping track of the upcoming TV series based aroundFallout, which wasfirst confirmed in 2020and got additional details about itscast,setting, and itsoverall story beats. As of today fans now also know when the series will debut: Friday...
图片来源:Amazon Prime Video 游戏改编剧又多了一个成功案例。 日前,流媒体巨头Amazon Prime Video宣布续订科幻新剧《辐射》(Fallout)第二季。 《辐射》根据同名视频游戏改编,故事背景设定在核末世后200年,主人公Lucy原本平静的生活在一个奢华的辐射避难所里,可惜为了寻找她的父亲,她不得不离开自己的安乐窝,来到地面...
Amazon Prime Gaming pulls back the curtain on its February free games, including beloved story-focused titles and some hidden gems. ByJames Ratcliff 4 days ago Throne and Liberty Update Adds Major New Feature for Console Players Throne and Liberty ...
Fallout made it seem like it was in the middle of Death Valley. Fallout 2 showed it as being southwest of San Francisco, just on the other side of the Sierra Nevada. The show depicts it as being on the outskirts of Los Angeles's urban sprawl. My sense was that the skyscrapers in ...
辐射Fallout好看吗?Amazon Prime上排名好高 100多个国家都是第一。。。被这个积分吓到 难道又要出一个游戏改编的佳作了? 光头 赞(3)回复 燕十三2024-04-17 10:05:07 上海 bug挺多的,不过还算有意思 赞(6)回复 争做新青年2024-04-17 16:55:42 安徽...
Amazon迅速续订游戏改编真人剧《#辐射# Fallout》第二季。 本剧由Jonathan Nolan和Lisa Joy参与开发,两人均担任非编剧型的执行制片人,Nolan执导了首季前三集。Geneva Robertson-Dworet和Graham Wagner为剧集创...
Amazon Prime's Fallout already showed its commitment to accuracy with its teaser trailer, but its most recent official trailer better demonstrates how it will be just like the games. Although the live-action Fallout adaptation will have to find innovative ways to distinguish itself from the source...
Get Amazon Prime The multiplayer spin-off Fallout 76 is also part ofAmazon Prime’s free games lineup in April, for both PC and Xbox. If you redeem it in April, you can keep it forever regardless of whether you continue your Amazon Prime subscription. ...
The iconic power armor is one of the most familiar sights of theFalloutfranchise, and Amazon Prime Video's upcoming TV show has already shown to make some significant changes to the functionality of the series' suits. Set in the wasteland of a bombed-out 1950s retrofuture America, theFallou...