特别的是,Prime Student还为新用户提供长达六个月的试用期,远超常规Prime的30天免费期。但要享受这项服务,你需要拥有.edu邮箱并至少注册一门课程,有效期至你毕业或四年后,两者先达则止。对于大学生来说,免费送货是Amazon Prime最吸引人的福利之一,而Prime Student以其半价优势更具吸引力。想象一...
This will allow you to be verified by Amazon for a Prime Student account despite your lack of a .edu address. Step 3: Enter your credit card information Once your 6-month free trial expires, Amazon will charge the card you entered during the set up. If you don't want to be charged,...
Are you sending a kiddo off to college next fall? Amazon Prime Student is a GREAT resource for them! Free 6 Month Trial of Prime!
Prime Student送的Grubhub是只要你还是prime student member就一直有效的。当然,点外卖所需要的服务费/小费还是要给的,但还是可以便宜一些钱。grubhub会员还有一些perk,可以满减。 虽然明白直接打电话给店家可能会更好,因为平台会需要抽钱走。但有的店没有自己的外卖,只能靠外卖平台… 如果叠加Grubhub的refer,第一单...
Start your 6-month trial and then enjoy Prime at half the price. As a member, you'll get access to fast FREE shipping, Prime Video originals, exclusive deals for students, and more!
如果你经常在 Amazon 上购物,还是弄一个 prime 会员比较好,至少可以省下一大笔的运费。 其他福利 现在 Prime 会员(包含 student prime)可以免费订购 Washington Post 六个月,需要从 Amazon 中的链接注册。六个月后会自动续订,所以不想长期保留的可以在下面链接直接取消 auto renew ...
Prime Student注册链接戳这里。目前Prime Student通过Student Universe订票有10% off的deal,活动链接戳这里。 【2024.9 注册送$10的shopping credit活动截止日期延期到9/20了】 链接戳这里。年龄在18-24岁或者学生都可以!需要在9/20/2024前注册有$10的shopping credit!之前8/31的截止日期延期了!
If I am not eligible for Prime Access, what other Prime plans should I check out? Not eligible for Prime Access? That’s OK. If you are a student, check outPrime Studentor you can start a30-day free trial of Amazon Prime. Membership and billing ...
事实上,任何ID都可以通过Amazon Mom计划得到免费的Amazon Prime试用。 更新:最新的Mom计划请点击这里查看,跟旧的mom计划有差别。3、加入Amazon Student,可以获得1年的免费Amazon Prime免费试用。需要一个有效的.edu邮箱进行验证(australia.edu等可公开申请的edu邮箱无法通过验证)。Amazon Student用来拓展在美学生市场,...
In order to qualify for the Prime Student membership, you need to be 18-24 years old or enrolled in an accredited college and university. Once you verify your age or student status on Amazon, you’ll automatically receive the student discount. Keep reading for additional details on the many...