Start your 6-month trial and then enjoy Prime at half the price. As a member, you'll get access to fast FREE shipping, Prime Video originals, exclusive deals for students, and more!
特别的是,Prime Student还为新用户提供长达六个月的试用期,远超常规Prime的30天免费期。但要享受这项服务,你需要拥有.edu邮箱并至少注册一门课程,有效期至你毕业或四年后,两者先达则止。对于大学生来说,免费送货是Amazon Prime最吸引人的福利之一,而Prime Student以其半价优势更具吸引力。想象一...
半价买 Prime: Amazon Student 会员花半价($69)就购买 Amazon Prime 会员,继续享受两天到货和所有会员福利 Amazon Student 获得的 Prime 会员是无法分享给别人的,但是便宜一半的 Prime 会员价格,享受其他所有福利,也是很爽的。 会员注册 首次注册 Amazon Student 会员可以免费享受六个月的...
Are you sending a kiddo off to college next fall? Amazon Prime Student is a GREAT resource for them! Free 6 Month Trial of Prime!
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【2024.10 Student Universe 10% off】 Prime Student注册链接戳这里。目前Prime Student通过Student Universe订票有10% off的deal,活动链接戳这里。 【2024.9 注册送$10的shopping credit活动截止日期延期到9/20了】 链接戳这里。年龄在18-24岁或者学生都可以!需要在9/20/2024前注册有$10的shopping credit!之前8/31...
Amazon has a student program that offers both a free trial that lasts for six months and 50 percent off the regular price for Prime membership. If you’re in college, Prime Day could be a great time to gear up. Amazon’s Prime Student signup option. ...
Prime Student members can get a 30-day free trial of Amazon Music Unlimited. After the free trial is over, you’ll be charged just $5.99 a month for up to four years. The membership includes 50% off the regular price, plus free access to Amazon Music HD — the highest quali...
After the trial is up, you can continue going through the end of your college term withAmazon Prime Studentfor half the price of Amazon Prime. You'll have access to everything on Amazon, get early access to deals, and all streaming services. ...
Prime Student 除了不能和好友使用家庭分享Prime功能之外,拥有所有Amazon Prime 会员的福利!无论你是喜欢2日/1日速递,还是喜欢刷海量Prime Video 影视剧,只要你是学生就可以免费享受半年的完整会员福利,试用到期后续费只需$64.99/年 (指导价$139) 或$7.49/月 (指导价$14.99),超值超划算!