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Amazon Prime Membership is a must have for all! If you are a frequent Amazon shopper, this is one of the few paid store memberships that we would unequivocally recommend! There are a lot of benefits to having Amazon Prime Membership which includes: Free 2-Day Shipping on all Prime Eligible...
点击进入amazon官网,看左上角logo部分,try Prime点击去开通,不过这是在登陆的状态下,没有登录的先登录进入下一个确认订阅功能的页面,点击按钮 填写你的信用卡卡号,持卡人姓名的拼音(不要写汉字),信用卡的有效期(截止日期),账单地址(最好写真实的国内地址,用英文。英语不好的可...
然后点“Start my free trial”开始免费试用Prime服务。其它的都没难度了,我就不再多说了。(4)Prime服务免费试用申请成功后,切记30天内要取消自动续费(不取消的话,30天后自动续费,会从你信用卡上划走$79),可不能便宜了美国人。我们不等30天了,申请成功后马上取消自动续费,这并不影响你的30天免费试用。通过...
1、将鼠标停留在My Account,然点击开“Your Prime Membership”。 2、进入Amazon Prime管理页面,左侧栏有显示免费试用到期时间,点击“Do not continue”。 3、取消页面有三个选项,分别是继续成为会员(Continue Membership)、免费试用结束前三天提醒(Remind Me Later)、不再继续(Do Not Continue),选择“Do Not Contin...
任何Amazon注册用户均可开启1个月的Amazon Prime免费试用,或者加入Amazon Mom Membership享受3个月的Prime免费体验。开通方法需要在商品结算的时候完成,因此如果你有商品需要结算,在选择快递方式时,选择Two-Day Shipping,然后点continue之后输入输入信用卡号,已经输过的无需输入,点击start my trial之后出现如下界面就...
因此,在我们注册Amazon prime trial试用以后,一定要记得按照如下方式,将自动续费取消。 1、首先进入“Your account”你的账户,点击“setting”一栏中的“Manage Prime Membership”,在出来的页面中,找到"Do not continue"按钮(更新:现在页面更改了,可以直接从这个链接进去改) ...
While you won't be charged for your free trial, you'll be upgraded to a paid membership plan automatically at the end of the trial period. For help turning off your Amazon Prime membership renewal, go toEnd Your Amazon Prime Membership. ...
When your free trial or membership period ends, we'll automatically charge for the next membership period. Current Amazon Prime membership pricing: $14.99 per month $139 per year Prime Video membership is $8.99 per month Current Amazon Prime Student membership pricing (visit www.amazon.com/...
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