You can cancel your membership in Your Account at any time before you or your registered guests ...
Paid members who haven't used their benefits are eligible for a full refund of the current membership period. Amazon will process the refund in three to five business days. For more information, visit theCancel Membershipsection of theAmazon Prime Terms and Conditions. ...
1,登入账户,进入Prime会员管理。登入你的亚马逊账户,进入prime会员管理,如下图 /"target="_blank"title="点击查看大图"class="ikqb_img_alink">/
1,登入账户,进入Prime会员管理。登入你的亚马逊账户, 进入prime会员管理,如下图 2,点击取消free trail 链接。在页面左侧,最下端找到“Do not continue my free trial”链接,点击取消prime试用 3,取消成功提示,这样amazon prime的试用就取消成功了, 亚马逊也不会再扣除你99美金的会员费了。4,果...
如果忘记取消被扣费了,也没有关系,这时不要使用Prime服务,找客服Chat,要求refund,Amazon会把$79退回你的信用卡。(Chat可以点击这个链接,选择something else——Prime业务项——页面底部的Chat框——与客服联系)此外加入Amazon Mom Membership享受3个月的Prime免费体验,加入Amazon Student享受1年的Prime免费试用 ...
今天突然收到消费短信吓了一跳 退款方法如下:点击立刻终止 心虚一场。
aYou\'ll receive a refund of $99 for the Amazon Prime membership fee. Refunds typically process within 2-3 business days and appear as a credit on your statement. 您\将接受退款$99为亚马孙头等会员费。 退款在您的声明典型地处理在2-3个营业日内并且出现作为信用。[translate]...
1、点击这个页面,进入个人Amazon Prime membership管理页面(需要登录)2、点击cancel membership,即取消该服务。3、成功取消之后会收到亚马逊的一封取消成功的邮件,取消邮件大致如下 Hello from,As you requested, we've canceled your Amazon Prime membership.Since you have not used your ...
aYou'll receive a $79.00 refund of the Amazon Prime membership fee. Refunds typically process within 2-3 business days and appear as a credit on your bank statement. You'll receive an automatic confirmation e-mail when the refund is processed. 您将接受亚马孙头等会员费的$79.00退款。 退款在...
具体的流程是:先把去账户里把Amazon Prime 资格取消(首先找到亚马逊首页有一个try Prime ,找到有一个manage Prime membership,点击END membership,然后在弹出的对话框里点击确实END,就顺利退订啦。),然后到Contact Us里给美亚客服发信息(点右下角那个chat)确认是否扣款会还给我,得到了对方的肯定回复。然后就是耐心等...