是的Twitch Prime是Twitch和Amazon Prime的合作,很多游戏都在里面送东西。而且虽然是合作,但貌似亚马逊是所有者[思考]//@唯一的石头:亚马逊?[二哈]【转发】@FIFAUT:刚领了twitch prime pack
A Twitch Prime membership comes with all the benefits of Amazon Prime: exclusive discounts, pre-order discounts, free and fast delivery on Amazon products, access to the Prime Video on-demand service along with Prime Music, early access to Amazon Lightning Deals and more. Under the same $...
See what being an Amazon Prime member is all about. Free delivery, exclusive deals, tons of movies and music. Explore Prime.
As an Amazon Prime member, you receive many delivery, shopping, streaming, reading, and other benefits.
关联您的 Twitch 和亚马逊 Prime 账户 要获得免费的 Twitch Prime 会员资格,您必须关联您的 Amazon Prime 帐户和 Twitch.tv 帐户。为此,请前往 亚马逊 Twitch Prime。 单击右上角的“登录”,然后输入您的 Amazon Prime 帐户登录信息。 登录亚马逊帐户后,单击“链接 Twitch 帐户”。然后系统会提示您登录您的 Twitch...
【Twitch Prime(Amazon Prime)可以免费领3+9个月Online会员】作者:DesertFFF 如果你现在是Twitch(或者亚马逊)会员可以先领三个月Nintendo Switch Online,领取之后继续保持订阅Twitch(或亚马逊)会员60天的话,...
Instant streaming of movies and TV shows with Prime Instant Video NFL Thursday Night Live Streaming Unlimited photo cloud storage Access to over 800,000 free eBooks Twitch Prime Included w/ Free Exclusives and Games $14.99 (100% Off) FREE Get Deal From Amazon in Lifestyle & Home and Work Fr...
提醒一下有amazo..提醒一下有amazon prime的朋友。twitch是被amazon收购的,所以有amazon prime的自动获得twitch prime,只要在你的amazon prime账户里link你的tw
老哥们,为什么我每次..老哥们,为什么我每次twitch prime和Amazon prime绑定的最后一步都会这样?我Amazon是美版的没错啊,也领了免费会员,难道是twitch?twitch判定我在中国所以领不了twi