学生 Prime:可以享受六个月的免费试用,之后还可以半价购买。Amazon Student 注册链接 非学生:如果你已不再是学生,可以试用一个月会员(Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial)。你也可以先获取一些打折 Amazon Gift Card,来支付 Prime 的费用 如果你这张卡额度太低,也可以要求 Chase 把其他卡的额度...
作为一张没有年费的卡,对于有大量 Amazon 需求的Prime会员来说,5%返现还是非常不错的。 Amazon 还有一张店卡Synchrony Amazon Prime也值得考虑;还有一张商业版联名卡AmEx Amazon Business Prime(商业卡)也很不错,都是Amazon消费5%返现。如果你被Chase 5/24挡住了无法申请Chase的卡,还可以考虑这两张。 相关信用卡 ...
必须拥有SSN(美国社会安全号)或ITIN。需开设Amazon Prime账户(包括学生版),以享受5%返现优惠。建议维持至少6-9个月的美国信用记录。推荐先拥有Chase支票或储蓄账户,或持有其他Chase信用卡至少半年。首次申请Chase信用卡的用户,通过后可能需至分行验证SSN及身份证明。开卡即享奖励 成功申请后,即可获得$100或$150...
Free shipping on millions of items. Get the best of Shopping and Entertainment with Prime. Enjoy low prices and great deals on the largest selection of everyday essentials and other products, including fashion, home, beauty, electronics, Alexa Devices, s
Re: Chase amazon prime and saphire CC keep decresing limits Since the OP is using his personal Amazon Prime card for large biz purchases, I guess Amazon Prime Amex biz card should give also the same rewards (5%) without AF. Possibly, having a personal Amazon Prime account ...
Amazon.com Gift Cards: This credit card is available to you if you do not currently have an Amazon Visa or Prime Visa credit card. Upon approval of your application, the Gift Card will be loaded into your Amazon.com account, as long as you have not closed your account. The Amazon.com...
Amazon.com Gift Cards: This credit card is available to you if you do not currently have an Amazon Visa or Prime Visa credit card. Upon approval of your application, the Gift Card will be loaded into your Amazon.com account, as long as you have not closed your account. The Amazon.com...
A few other cards do come close, like the Chase Freedom Flex®. It earns up to 5% cash back in rotating bonus categories that change each quarter, up to a $1,500 quarterly spending cap. (Activation is required.) And in the past, Amazon.com has been among that card's 5% bonus ...
Chase Amazon Prime CLI I've checked periodically for CLI eligibility since I opened the card but the Chase app has always said "no offers available at this time". Last week when I logged in I was finally able to request a CLI (card opened 7/22) so I pulled the trigger. I received...
The Prime Visa card rewards users with an unlimited 5% cash back for all purchases at Amazon.com, Amazon Fresh, Whole Foods and through Chase Travel. In addition, you can get unlimited 2% back at gas stations, restaurants, and and on local transit and commuting (including rideshare). If yo...