” then “Coupons.” Click “Create a new coupon” and complete the steps that follow. You’ll be asked to enter the product you want to discount, choose your discount type (Money Off or Percentage Off), and a time frame to run the promotional pricing....
Please review our other policies, such as our pricing policy, posted on this site. These policies also govern your use of Amazon Services. We reserve the right to make changes to our site, policies, Service Terms, and these Conditions of Use at any time. If any of these conditions shall...
“Program Policies”), including any updates of the Program Policies from time to time. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any Program Policy, this Agreement will control. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and your agreement with an Amazon affiliate under ...
If it exists, it doesn’t have the necessary Kubernetes group names defined for it, or doesn’t have the proper access policy associated to it. For more information, see Grant IAM users access to Kubernetes with EKS access entries. If your cluster doesn’t meet the minimum platform ...
Most access denied error messages appear in the format User user-arn is not authorized to perform action on "resource-arn" because context. In this example, user-arn is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user that doesn't receive access, action is the service action that the policy de...
error happens when the service that powers the subscribed endpoint is unavailable, such as Amazon SQS or AWS Lambda. When Amazon SNS receives a client-side error, or continues to receive a server-side error for a message beyond the number of retries specified by the corresponding retry policy,...
To remove headers that CloudFront received in the origin response, you can use a CloudFront response headers policy. The specified headers are not included in the response sent to viewers by CloudFront. Amazon CloudFront Pricing Charge for storage in an S3 bucket. Charge for serving objects from ...
Amazon WorkDocs Drive uses a Windows MSI based installer and requires admin rights to install. If you have a domain joined group of computers, the administrator can install Amazon WorkDocs Drive using group policy. Q. How does Amazon WorkDocs Drive update?
Action\": [\"s3:*\"], \"Effect\": \"Allow\", \"Resource\": [\"arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/*\"]}]}") (create-user :user-name "amazonica") (create-access-key :user-name "amazonica") (put-user-policy :user-name "amazonica" :policy-name "s3policy" :policy-document policy)...
RetryPolicy RunFilterParameters RunNotebook RunNotebookCancelRunOptionalParams RunNotebookCancelRunResponse RunNotebookCreateRunHeaders RunNotebookCreateRunOptionalParams RunNotebookCreateRunResponse RunNotebookError RunNotebookGetSnapshotOptionalParams RunNotebookGetSnapshotResponse RunNotebookGetStatusOptionalParams...