**It’s best to have a website that is already active and sees some traffic for two reasons: (1) In your Amazon Associates application you’ll need to describe specific aspects of your website (2) Without any traffic to start, you have a much higher chance of getting banned! Log in ...
…And, we’re back into it. Now that my application has been populated with enough traffic from real users, I can finally do what we’ve all been waiting for – click in and see what information they have for us. I won’t comment too critically on the UI/design, as I’m acutely ...
“picker”—walks around to fill someone’s order, the scanner in her hand will tell her where the closest item is and then the fastest way to get to the next item after that. the job still requires a tremendous amount of walking—it has been estimated that some pickers end up covering...
At the warehouse, Jeff was a picker, fetching orders to be shipped to Amazon customers. A handheld scanner gun told him what he needed to pull and the exact aisle and shelf where he would find it. Since the Chester facility covers 1.1 million square feet, the equivalent of roughly 18 foo...
THE PICKER What you really want is a robot that can pick up anything, even stuff it has never seen before. That is what other Autolab researchers have built over the last few years. This system still uses simple hardware: a gripper and a suction cup. But it can pick up all sorts of...
committed on 25 September, 2014 Update README.md satoruhiga ofxPCL http://www.pointclouds.org/ committed on 25 September, 2014 Update README.md julapy ofxColorPicker openframeworks addon for a color picker gui. committed on 23 September, 2014 moved ofxColorPicker into src. kylemcdonald ...