If you’ve tried all of the advice mentioned above and it still doesn’t end up working, your only option left is to contact Amazon support. I had to do this myself when I no longer had access to the phone number that was tied to my Amazon account. The whole process only took abou...
Amazon does not sell products for purchase by children. We sell children's products for purchase by adults. If you are under 18, you may use Amazon Services only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13...
When customers call the phone number you have released, they will get a message that it is not a working phone number. To use the ReleasePhoneNumber API Releasing a number by using the ReleasePhoneNumber API puts the number in a cool down period for up to 180 days. The phone number ...
and it is my phone number and I have received many OTPs on it and it works fine but it is not working for the notification I don't know why. and I have talked to many agents and they couldn't resolve it. they even asked me if my carrier was blocking short codes and I checked ...
The phone number Arn value that is returned from each of the items in the PhoneNumberSummaryList cannot be used to tag phone number resources. It will fail with a ResourceNotFoundException. Instead, use the ListPhoneNumbersV2 API. It returns the new phone number ARN that can be used to ...
In the “Confirm your Issue” section, choose “My issue is not listed”. Under “My issue is not listed”, select “Account Related” When you’ve followed all these steps, contact an associate section will pop up. Here you can email, phone, or take advantage of the amazon seller supp...
Free shipping on millions of items. Get the best of Shopping and Entertainment with Prime. Enjoy low prices and great deals on the largest selection of everyday essentials and other products, including fashion, home, beauty, electronics, Alexa Devices, s
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Remember that contacting Amazon’s customer service via email might not be the best solution if you have an urgent question regarding your purchases, since customers are unlikely to get a prompt response. Amazon customer service phone number