UPS Phone:1-800-742-5877 US Postal Service Phone:1-800-222-1811 US specialty carriers (extra-large or heavy items) Carrier contact details CEVA Logistics Phone:1-844-215-0640 Pilot Phone:1-877-549-0160 RXO Phone:1-844-285-5279
If you have a question or complaint about your Amazon Payments account, contact us at this address or phone number: Amazon Payments, Inc. PO Box 81226 Seattle, WA 98108. 866-216-1075 Please do not send payments or return items to this address. ...
1. Nom Détecter PHI 31 Amazon Comprehend Medical Entité PHONE_OU_ FAX EMAIL ID URL ADDRESS Détecter PHI Guide du développeur Description Catégorie HIPAA Tout téléphone, télécopieur ou téléavertisseur ; exclut les numéros de téléphone nommés tels que le 1-800 QUIT - et NOW le ...
{ "name": "Work", "addressLine1": "440 Terry Ave", "addressLine2": "", "addressLine3": "", "city": "Seattle", "county": "King", "district": "Seattle", "stateOrRegion": "WA", "postalCode": "98121", "countryCode": "US", "phoneNumber": "800-000-0000" }, "payment...
BusinessPhoneNumber 企业电子邮件地址 客户的企业电子邮件地址。 文本 $.Customer。 BusinessEmailAddress 地址 与客户关联的非邮寄、配送或账单地址的通用地址。 文本 $.Customer.Address1 $.Customer.Address2 $.Customer.Address3 $.Customer.Address4 $.Customer.City $.Customer.County $.Customer.Country $...
choose the issue you want to discuss from the dropdown menu(s) below. When you see the “Phone” button appear, click on it and select your country code, followed by entering your phone number. Finally, click “Call me now” to request a callback from Amazon’s live customer service ...
🔍Amazon Corporate Office Phone Number:+1-206-266-1000for general inquiries 📞Customer Support:Reach Amazon’s customer service at1-888-280-4331for assistance with orders, Prime, and account issues. 📞Customer Care:Reach Amazon’s customer service at1-800-201-7575for assistance with orders, ...
I clicked the information provided to the bank by them and they only provided an address but no phone number to contact them. I checked on Google map and the street view provides a phone number for the security of the building. To be continued once I've contacted someone... Helpful 0 ...
"addressLine1": "440 Terry Ave", "addressLine2": "", "addressLine3": "", "city": "Seattle", "county": "King", "district": "Seattle", "stateOrRegion": "WA", "postalCode": "98121", "countryCode": "US", "phoneNumber": "800-000-0000" }, "paymentDescriptor": null }], "...
phone number. Alongside this, Amazon also provided a 24*7 available Amazon Kindle customer service 800 number which is the toll free version of getting Kindle fire help. The response received by the customers on the other end of the Amazon Kindle help phone number is very polite and ...